function f_labels (caption,xaxis,yaxis,zaxis,fsize) %F_LABELS: Add title and axis labels to current plot % % Author: Schilling and Harris % “Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB,” Schilling and Harris, THOMSON, 2005. 【全華有中譯本】 % % Usage: f_labels (caption,xaxis,yaxis,zaxis,fsize) % % Inputs: % caption = figure title % xaxis = x axis label % yaxis = y axis label % zaxis = optional z axis label % fsize = optional font size % % See also: F_WAIT if nargin < 5 fsize = 10; end title (caption,'FontName','FixedWidthFontName','FontSize',fsize) xlabel (xaxis,'FontName','FixedWidthFontName','FontSize',fsize) ylabel (yaxis,'FontName','FixedWidthFontName','FontSize',fsize) if (nargin > 3) zlabel (zaxis,'FontName','FixedWidthFontName','FontSize',fsize) end