淨空老法師重要開示(中英對照) |
Buddhism is the
most profound and wholesome education directed by the Buddha towards all
people. |
佛教是佛陀對九法界眾生至善圓滿的教育。 |
The content
in Shakyamuni
Buddha’s forty-nine years of teaching describes the
true face of life and the universe. Life refers to oneself,
universe refers to our living environment. The teachings directly relate to
our own lives and surroundings. |
釋迦四十九年所說的一切經,內容就是說明宇宙人生的真相。人生就是自己,宇宙就是我們生活的環境。 |
Those who
possess a complete and proper understanding of life and the universe are
called Buddhas or Bodhisattvas. |
知覺名菩薩,不覺名凡夫。 |
Cultivation is
changing the way we think, speak, and act towards people and matters from an
erroneous way to a proper way. |
修行就是要將我們對宇宙人生錯誤的看法、想法、說法、做法,加以修正。 |
guideline for cultivation is understanding, proper views, and purity.
Understanding is without delusion, proper views is
without deviation, and purity is without pollution. This can be achieved by
practicing the Three
Learnings of self-discipline, concentration, and wisdom. |
佛教的修行綱領是覺正淨。覺而不迷,正而不邪,淨而不染。並依戒定慧三學,以求達到此目標。 |
The Three Basic Conditions are the foundation of cultivation and study. When interacting
with people, accord with the Six Harmonies, and when dealing with
society, practice the Six Principles. Follow the lessons taught
by Universal
Worthy Bodhisattva and dedicate one’s mind to
everlasting purity and brightness. These complete the purpose of the Buddha’s
Teachings. |
修學的基礎是三福,待人依六和,處世修六度,遵普賢願,歸心淨土。佛之教化能事畢矣。 |