第七章  餘力學文

【英文語音撥放(Play English Audio Chapter 7

Chapter 7  On Studying Whenever We Can

Chapter 7  After All the Above Are Accomplished, Study Further and Learn Literature and Art to Improve Your Cultural and Spiritual Life


Cultural refinements have value,

But not at the expense of real work.

If I do not actively practice what I have learned,

but continue to study on the surface,


If you’re just superficially polished,

Then what can you expect to become?

even though my knowledge is increasing, it is only superficial.

What kind of person will I be?


But if you do nothing but work

And have no understanding of culture,

If I do apply my knowledge diligently,

but stop studying,


You will be bound by your own narrow views,

And your notions of truth will be murky.

I will only do things based on my own opinion, thinking it is correct.

In fact, what I know is not the truth.


When you’re pursuing your studies,

On the “three places” focus attention:

There are methods to study correctly.

They involve concentration in three areas:


Your mind, your eyes and your mouth.

It’s important to train all these three.

my mind, my eyes, and my mouth.

To believe in what I read is equally important.


When you’ve taken up study of something,

Don’t let yourself become sidetracked.

When I begin to read a book,

I will not think about another.


Be sure that you’ve finished one project

Before starting off on another.

If I have not completed the book,

I will not start another.


Let your goals be lofty and broad.

Let your efforts be focused and steady.

I will give myself lots of time to study,

and I will study hard.


Once you have skill and experience,

You’ll solve every problem with ease.

If I devote enough time and effort,(26)

I will thoroughly understand.


When a question comes up in your reading,

Make note of it before you forget.

If I have a question,

I will make a note of it.


Then ask someone else who will know,

And who can explain the meaning.

I will ask the person who has the knowledge

for the right answer.


Your room should be kept neat and tidy,

With walls and floors uncluttered and clean.

I will keep my room neat,

my walls uncluttered and clean,


Your desk should be kept in good order,

Pencils, paper, and pens well arranged.

my desk tidy and

my brush(27) and inkstone(28) properly placed.


If your desk and papers are messy,

It is likely your mind’s mixed up too.

If my ink block(29) is ground unevenly,

it shows I have a poor state of mind.


If your writing is sloppy and careless,

It’s likely your mind is not focused.

When words are written carelessly, showing no respect,

this shows my state of mind has not been well.


Each of the books that you use

Should have its proper place on the shelf.

My books(30) should be classified, placed on the bookshelves,

and in their proper places.


After you’ve finished your reading,

Put them back in the place they belong.

After I finish reading a book,

I will put it back where it belongs.


Although you may be in a hurry,

You should close your books the right way.

Even if I am in a hurry,

I still must neatly roll up and bind the open bamboo scroll(31) I have been reading.


If the pages or covers are damaged,

Be sure to take time to repair them.

Any missing or damaged pages

ought to be immediately repaired.


What hasn’t been written by sages

Is not something you should be reading.

If it is not a book on the teachings of the saints and sages,

it should be discarded and not even looked at.


Such books block your intelligence

And undermine your resolve.

Such books can block my intelligence and wisdom, and

will undermine my aspirations and sense of direction.


Don’t ever look down on yourself

Or fail to progress toward goodness.

Neither be harsh on myself,

nor give up on myself.


We all can gradually learn

To become worthies and sages.

To be a person of high ideals, moral standards and virtue

is something we can all attain in time.



26 If I do not understand part of a book I am reading, I should read it again and again, even for a thousand times. Its meaning will come to me in time.



27 “Brush” here means Chinese writing brush.



28Inkstone” is a stone stand used for preparing the ink used in Chinese brush calligraphy.



29 “Ink block” is a solid ink piece. A person grinds it with water against the inkstone to make ink for writing Chinese brush calligraphy.



30 Here the term “books” refers to books on laws, constitutions, and the organizational systems of a nation.



31 “Scroll”, or “juan”()means a bamboo scroll. It is an ancient book, in the form of a scroll made of bamboo slips with knife-carved or painted Chinese characters. Such books were used before paper was invented.




諸惡莫作 眾善奉行 自淨其意 是諸佛教

Abstain from unwholesome deeds, Perform wholesome ones, Purify your own mind, This is the teaching of the Buddha. Namo Amitabha!



Dedication of Merit




May the merit and virtue

accrued from this work

adorn Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land,

repay the four great kindnesses above,

and relieve the suffering of

those on the three paths below.




May those who see and hear of these efforts

generate Bodhi-mind,

spend their lives devoted to the Buddha Dharma,

and finally be born together in

the Land of Ultimate Bliss.



Homage to Amita Buddha!