第六章  親仁

【英文語音撥放(Play English AudioChapter 6

Chapter 6  On Drawing Near to Goodhearted People

Chapter 6  Be Close to and Learn from People of Virtue and Compassion


Many different kinds of people

All live on the earth together.

We are all human,

but we are not the same.


There are many who follow the crowd.

There are few who are truly humane.

Most of us are ordinary;

only a very few have great virtues and high moral principles.


Yet those who are truly humane

Are often feared by other people,

A truly virtuous person

                                     is greatly respected by others.


For they don’t hide behind words

Or try to please with their looks.

He will not be afraid to speak the truth and

he will not fawn on others.


To follow the truly humane

Will bring immeasurable good.

If I can be close to and learn from people of great virtue and compassion,

I will benefit immensely.


Virtue will grow day by day;

Mistakes will slowly fade away.

My virtues will grow daily and

my wrongdoings will lessen day by day.


Not to follow the truly humane

Will bring immeasurable harm,

If I choose not to be close to and learn from people of great virtue,

I will suffer a great loss.


Unworthy people will draw near you,

And everything will go awry.

People without virtue will get close to me and

nothing I attempt will succeed.