第四章 信 【英文語音撥放(Play English Audio) – Chapter
4】 Chapter 4 On Being
Honest Chapter 4 Be
Trustworthy |
凡出言。信為先。 Whatever it is that you say, You should speak so that you can be trusted. When I
speak, honesty is
important. |
詐與妄。奚可焉。 Tell the truth so others can
believe you. To lie is against human
nature. Deceitful
words and lies must not be tolerated. |
話說多。不如少。 To talk just a little is
better Than to chatter non-stop all
day long. Rather
than talking too much, it is better to speak less. |
惟其是。勿佞巧。 Talk only about what you’re
sure of; Avoid cunning or flowery
words. I will
speak only the truth, I will not twist the facts. |
奸巧語。穢污詞。 Don’t use words to be mean
and cruel, Or speak about things that
are coarse. Cunning
words, foul language, and |
市井氣。切戒之。 Let your language be pure and
correct. Stay away from all that’s
unworthy. philistine
habits must be avoided at all costs. |
見未真。勿輕言。 If you haven’t seen
something quite clearly, Don’t speak of it as if you
know. What I
have not seen with my own eyes, I will not readily tell to
others. |
知未的。勿輕傳。 If you’re not sure about
what exactly happened, Don’t spread rumors around. What I
do not know for sure, I will not easily pass on
to others. |
事非宜。勿輕諾。 When you know something is
wrong, Do not simply follow along. If I am
asked to do something that is inappropriate or bad, I must not agree to do it. |
茍輕諾。進退錯。 If you just go along with
the crowd, You’re bound to make a
mistake. If I do, I will be doubly
wrong. |
凡道字。重且舒。 When you speak, say the
words clearly; Distinctly and smoothly they
flow. I must
speak clearly and to the point. |
勿急疾。勿模糊。 If you talk too fast, no one
will heed you; The same if you mumble too
low. I must not talk too fast or mumble. |
彼說長。此說短。 Some like to talk about good
points, Others like to find faults,
big and small. Some
like to talk about the good points of others, while some like to talk about
the faults of others. |
不關己。莫閒管。 If something is none of your
business, Simply pay no attention at
all. If it
is none of my business, I will not get involved. |
見人善。即思齊。 When you see the good points
of others, You should strive to imitate
them. When I
see others do good deeds, I must think about
following their example. |
縱去遠。以漸躋。 Though you don’t match up to
them now. Persevere and one day you’ll
catch up. Even
though my own achievements are still far behind those of others, I am getting closer. |
見人惡。即內省。 When you notice bad habits
in others, Reflect on your own
shortcomings. When I
see others do wrong, I must immediately reflect
upon myself. |
有則改。無加警。 If you have the same faults,
correct them. If not, never let them
arise. If I
have made the same mistake, I will correct it. If not, I will take extra
care to not make the same mistake. |
唯德學。唯才藝。 If your virtue, learning and
talents Don’t measure up to others, When
my morals, conduct, knowledge, and skills |
不如人。當自礪。 Then spur yourself to work
harder. Accept nothing less than
your best. seem
not as good as those of others, I will encourage myself to
be better. |
若衣服。若飲食。 If your wardrobe is seldom
in fashion And your home is simple and
plain, If the
clothes I wear, and the food I eat and
drink |
不如人。勿生慼。 While your friends have the
newest and finest, Don’t be upset and never
complain. are
not as good as that of others, I should not be concerned. |
聞過怒。聞譽樂。 If you’re angry when told of
your faults, And happy when praise comes
your way, If
criticism makes me angry and compliments make me happy, |
損友來。益友卻。 Harmful friends will draw
near you, And wholesome friends will
stay away. bad
company will come my way and good friends will shy away. |
聞譽恐。聞過欣。 If compliments make you
uneasy And hearing your faults
makes you glad, If I am
uneasy about compliments and appreciative of criticism, |
直諒士。漸相親。 Forgiving and
straightforward friends Will then gradually come to
your side. then
sincere, understanding, and virtuous people will gradually come close to
me. |
無心非。名為錯。 When an error is not made on
purpose, It is simply called a
mistake. If any mistake I make is
inadvertent, it is merely a mistake. |
有心非。名為惡。 But to deliberately do
something wrong, Is not a mistake, but an
evil. If it is done on purpose,
however, it is an evil act. |
過能改。歸於無。 If you can reform your
offenses, Your faults will all
disappear. If I
correct my mistake and do not repeat it, I no longer own the
mistake. |
倘掩飾。增一辜。 But trying to cover them
over Makes your offenses more
severe. If I
try to cover it up, I will be doubly wrong. |