
【英文語音撥放(Play English Audio Chapter 3

Chapter 3  On Being Careful

Chapter 3  Be Cautious in My Daily Life


In the morning it’s best to rise early.

At night you should go to bed late.

I will get up each morning before my parents;

at night, I will go to bed only after my parents have gone to sleep.


Cherish the time that is left you.

Don’t expect that old age will wait.

When I realize that time is passing me by and cannot be turned back, and that I am getting older year by year,

I will especially treasure the present moment.(19)


In the morning, first wash your face,

And next brush your teeth very well.

When I get up in the morning, I will wash my face

and brush my teeth.


After you go to the toilet,

Use water and soap on your hands.

After using the toilet,

I will wash my hands.


You should put on your hat withcare,

And fasten your buttons and snaps.

I must wear my hat straight,(20)

and make sure the hooks(21) of my clothes are tied.


Then pull up your socks very neatly,

And fasten your shoelaces as well.

My socks and shoes

should also be worn neatly and correctly.


Your hat and other clothes

Should be put in their own special places.

I will always place my hat and clothes away

in their proper places.


Do not leave them just lying around,

Or they’re sure to get wrinkled and soiled.

I will not carelessly throw my clothes around,

for that will get them dirty.


Your clothing should always be neat.

If it’s not new and stylish, don’t worry.

It is more important that my clothes are clean,

rather than how extravagant they are.


What you wear should make common sense.

Don’t spend too much money on clothes.

I will wear only what is suitable for my station.

At home, I will wear clothes according to my family traditions and customs.


Do not fuss and complain about tastes

When you are given something to eat.

When it comes to eating and drinking,

I will not pick and choose my food.


Eat enough so that you are full,

But do not eat more than you need.

I will only eat the right amount;

I will not over-eat.


During the time when you are young,

Don’t drink liquor or take harmful drugs.

I am still young,

I must not drink alcohol.


To get drunk is disgraceful and ugly.

Taking drugs brings you nothing but shame.

When I am drunk,

my behavior will turn ugly.


Your walk should be easy and graceful.

When you stand, keep your back tall and straight.

I will always walk composed, with light and even steps.

I will always stand up straight and tall.


Your half bows should be deep and full,

And your full bows made with respect.

My bows will always be deep, with hands held in front and arms rounded.

I will always pay my respect with reverence.(22)


Watch your step as you enter a doorway.

Stand up straight and don’t lean against the wall.

I will not step on doorsills

or stand leaning on one leg.


Do not sit sprawled all over the floor.

Or wriggle and squirm when you walk.

I will not sit with my legs apart or sprawled out.

I will not rock the lower part of my body while standing or sitting down.


When closing a door best be careful,

Do it slowly without too much noise.

I will always lift the curtain slowly,(23)

and quietly.


Whenever crossing a room,

Don’t bump into the table and chairs.

I must leave myself ample space when I turn

so I will not bump into a corner.


You should carry an empty container,

Just as carefully as one that is full.

I will hold empty containers carefully

as if they were full. (24)


And enter a room that is empty,

As you would if a crowd were inside.

I will enter empty rooms

as if they were occupied. (25)


There is no need to be in a hurry.

If you rush you will make a mistake.

I will avoid doing things in a hurry,

as doing things in haste will lead to many mistakes.


Don’t be afraid of what’s hard,

And don’t be careless with what is easy.

I should not be afraid of difficult tasks,

and I will not become careless when a job is too easy.


Never go to rowdy places,

Or places where people are fighting.

I will keep away from rowdy places.


When something is low and improper

It’s not worth your talk or your questions.

I will not ask about things that are abnormal or unusual.


When you’re going to enter a room,

First knock to make sure it’s permitted.

When I am about to enter a main entrance,

I must first ask if someone is inside.


When joining a gathering of people,

Let them all know you’ve arrived.

Before entering a room,

I must first make myself heard, so that those inside know someone is approaching.


If someone should ask who you are,

You should answer by giving your name.

If someone asks who I am,

I must give my name.


If you respond, “It is me,”

You ’re not giving a proper reply.

To answer ‘It is me’ or ‘Me’

is not sufficient.


If you use someone else’s belongings,

Be sure that you ask for permission.

Before borrowing things from others,

I must ask for permission.


If you don’t get the owner’s permission,

Then stealing is what you have done.

If I do not ask,

it is stealing.


If you must borrow something from another,

Make sure you return it on time.

When borrowing things from others,

I will return them promptly.


If someone asks you for something,

Loan it to them as soon as you can.

Later, if I have an urgent need,

I will not have a problem borrowing from them again.



19 There is an old Chinese proverb: “A unit of time is as precious as a unit of gold, but you cannot buy back one unit of time with one unit of gold.” It means that time is really very precious, as no amount of money can buy time.



20 Guan”means hat. In ancient China, when a male wore a hat, it meant he had attained the age of an adult.



21 In ancient China, in place of buttons, people used hooks. When dressed, hooks had to be tied.



22 Bai”means paying respect. In ancient China, people paid their respect to others by bowing, holding one hand over the other which is closed, or prostrating themselves on the ground.



23 In ancient China, curtains were made of bamboo strips woven together. They were used to shelter a room from view.



24 Even if a container is empty, out of reverence to things whether living or not, one should treat it with respect and handle it with care.



25 In ancient China, a virtuous man always behaved properly, regardless of whether he was alone or with others.
