
【英文語音撥放(Play English AudioChapter 1

Standards for Students

Di Zi Gui  (Standards for Being a Good Student and Child)

翻譯1 法界佛教總會(DRBA/BTTS/DRBU 翻譯

翻譯2 澳洲淨宗學院 翻譯


The Standards for Students are basic requisites for being a good person and guidelines for living in harmony with others.

… For today’s society, it applies to all children, both male and female.





These are the rules for being a student

Handed down to us by Ancient Sages.

Standards for Being a Good Student and Child(1) is a book that

was taught by Chinese saints and sages of the ancient past.


First be filial to your own parents

And respectful to all of your elders.

The book first teaches us how to be dutiful to your parents, and how to be respectful and loving to our siblings. (2)

It then teaches us how to be cautious with all people, matters, and things in our daily life, and how to be a trustworthy person; and to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages. (3)


Be trustworthy, cautious and kind,

And draw near to those who are good.

Furthermore, it teaches us to love all equally,

and to be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion.


Whatever time you have left

Should be devoted to learning.

Only when we have accomplished all the above

can we then study further and learn literature and art to improve the quality of our cultural and spiritual lives.

第一章   入則孝

Chapter 1 On Being Filial at Home

Chapter 1 At Home, Be Dutiful to My Parents


When your mother or father is calling,

Do not be slow to respond.

When my parents call me,

I will answer them right away.


When your parents tell you to do something,

Do not be lazy or sulky.

When they ask me to do something,

I will do it quickly.


When your parents need to instruct you,

You should listen with patient respect.

When my parents instruct you,

I will listen respectfully.


Whenever your parents must scold you,

Accept it with faithful compliance.

When my parents reproach me,

I will obey and accept their scolding. I will try hard to change and improve myself, to start anew.


In the winter, make sure they are warm.

In the summer, make sure they are cool.

In the winter, I will keep my parents warm;

in the summer, I will keep your parents cool.


In the morning, cheerfully greet them.

In the evening, tell them “Good night.”

I will always greet my parents in the morning to show them that I care.

At night I will always make sure my parents rest well.


If you plan to go out, tell your parents.

Report to them when you get back.

Before going out, I must tell my parents where I are going, for parents are always concerned about their children.

After returning home, I must go and see my parents to let them know I am back, so they do not worry about me.


Settle down in one certain place.

Do not switch from one job to another.

I will maintain a permanent place to stay and lead a routine life.

I will persist in whatever I do and will not change my aspirations at will.


No matter how small the affair,

Do not act just as you please.

A matter might be trivial, but if it is wrong to do it or unfair to the other person,

I must not do it thinking it will bear little or no consequence. (4)


For if you act just as you please,

Then you have not performed as you should.

If I do,

I am not being a dutiful child because my parents would not want to see me doing things that are irrational or illegal.


Although a thing may be small,

Do not save it just for yourself.

Even though an object might be small,

I will not keep it a secret from my parents.


For if you hoard things for yourself,

Your parents’ hearts will be grieved.

If I do,

I will hurt my parents’ feelings. (5)


Whatever your parents like best,

You should provide for them soon.

If whatever pleases my parents is fair and reasonable,

I will try my best to attain it for them. (6)


Whatever your parents dislike,

You should do your best to remove.

If something displeases my parents, if within reason(7)

I will cautiously keep it away from them.


If you carelessly injure your body,

Your parents will worry and fret.

When my body is hurt,

My parents will be worried.


If you heedlessly damage your virtue,

You bring shame and disgrace to your parents,

If my virtues(8) are compromised,

my parents will feel ashamed.


When your parents are loving and kind,

Of course it’s not hard to be filial.

When I have loving parents,

it is not difficult to be dutiful to them.


The true test of being a person

Comes when parents are hateful and cruel.

But if I can be dutiful to parents who hate me,

only then will I meet the standards of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.


If your recognize faults in your parents,

Exhort them to change for the better.

When my parents do wrong,

I will urge them to change.


Speak to them kindly and gently

With a pleasant smile on your face.

I will do it with a kind facial expression

and a warm gentle voice.


If they cannot accept your advice,

Wait for an opportune time.

If they do not accept my advice,

I will wait until they are in a happier mood before I attempt to dissuade them again,


You may even use tears to exhort them,

But don’t resent it if you are punished.

followed by crying, if necessary, to make them understand.

If they end up whipping me(9) I will not hold a grudge against them.


When your parents are ill, call the doctor,

Be sure the prescription is right.

When my parents are ill,

I will taste the medicine first before giving it to them. (10)


Wait on them day after day,

At their bedside by day and by night.

I will take care of them night and day and

stay by their bedside.


For three years after their death,

Remember them always in sorrow.

During the first three years of mourning after my parents have passed away,

I will remember them with gratitude and feel sad often for not being able to repay them for their kindness in raising me.


During this period of mourning,

Don’t drink wine or eat meat.

During this period I will arrange my home to reflect my grief and sorrow.

I will also avoid festivities and indulgence in food and alcoholic drinks.


Take care of their funeral arrangements,

Make offerings on their behalf.

I will observe proper etiquette(11) in arranging my parents funerals.

I will hold the memorial ceremony and commemorate my parents’ anniversaries with utmost sincerity.


Reverently cherish their memory

As if they were still in the world.

I will serve my departed parents

as if they were still alive. (12)



1Sourced from Analects of Confucius, Book I, Chapter 6. It was taught by Confucius, Mencius, and other Chinese saints and sages of the ancient past.



2“Xiao” and “Ti” have been the very foundation of Chinese culture for five thousand years. Xiao () means to be dutiful to ones parents with affection, and to understand the basic relationship of grandparents, parents and self. In ideogram form, xiao has two components the top part of xiao is the top portion of the word elder () and the bottom part is the word son (). Combined into one, it implies that the older generation and the younger generation are one: there should be no gap between them. In Buddhism, the meaning is further extended. Outside the family, the child should treat every male and female of the parents’ generation as if they were the child’s own father and mother. Ti () means sincere fraternal love. Here the term refers to the principle and standard of conduct between brothers not only when they are at home but when they are away from home. In Buddhism, its meaning also extends further to include conduct towards all older persons of any generation.



3“To believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages” means to trully practice and put the teachings of the ancient saints and sages into effect.



4 For example, in Buddhism, it is considered breaking the precept of not stealing if you borrow a piece of paper or take someone’s pen without permission. It is considered breaking the precept of not killing if I kill an ant or mosquito. If I lie or talk about someone behind his back, I have broken the precept of not lying, etc.



5Parents will be saddened by the actions of a child who behaves secretively. If he behaves in such a way when he is still young, then he will probably twist the law, obtain bribes, and be a curse to his country and his people when he grows up.



6 If what pleases your parents is illegitimate or unreasonable, I should tactfully dissuade my parents, and tell them the reasons that they should not have it.



7 I should lead my parents to proper views and understanding of things.



8Virtues are standards and principles of one’s conduct. In China a mans conduct is ruled by“Wu Chang” (五常) and “Ba De” (八德). “Wu Chang” are the five moral principles: kindheartedness(), personal loyalty(), proper etiquette(), wisdom(), and trustworthiness().“Ba De” are the eight virtues: duty to parents(), respect for elders(), loyalty(), credibility(), proper etiquette(), personal loyalty(), a sense of honor(), and a sense of shame().



9 In ancient China, when a child did not obey the parents, the parents were allowed to discipline the child. If a child refused to be disciplined, the parents had the right to ask the authorities to have the child executed.



10 Chinese people take herbal medicine prescribed by Chinese doctors. Herbs are boiled with water to make a liquid medicine. Before giving such medicine to one’s parents, a child should first taste it to ensure it is not too hot or too bitter.



11 In ancient China, funeral etiquette was laid down by the emperor.



12 When my parents are alive, I should treat them with love and respect. When they pass away, I should arrange their funerals with deepest sorrow. For all the subsequent commemorations and anniversaries held, I should show love and respect as if they were still alive.                       
