Accounts of
rebirth into the Paradise of Amidists, in the religious order and among laymen
and women, old and young, for whom there are extraordinary signs at the hour of
death are given in the book entitled, "Records of Rebirth into the Pure
Land: Biographies of Amidists." I have witnessed, with my own eyes, more
than twenty cases, not to mention those which I have heard of. Now I shall cite only three out of many
which I have seen so that faith may be inspired in all of us.
The first
concerns Dharma Master Hsiu Wu, a native of Yingkow, a bricklayer before he
joined the religious order. Hard
life and toilsome labor reminded him that there was only suffering and no
lasting joy in this world of ours.
He tried to discover the way to eliminate suffering. Later, he heard of the advantages of
Amidism and resolved to pursue this practice. After he left home, he received
formal Buddhist training and became even more zealous in Amidist practice. He
also advised people whom he met to practice Arnidism.
In 1929, I was
in Sukhavati Temple of Harbin in the Northeast,[35] and invited Grand Master
Ti Hsien to transmit the precepts.
One day, one of the Bhiksus in the outer court of the temple came to
tell me that a Master Hsiu Wu had arrived from Yingkow and was prepared to
practice austerity during the period of precept transmission. Later, he was ushered in to see me. I asked him what he was able to do.
"I am
willing to look after the sick," he declared.
Master Ting
Hsi, then the head of the
Master Ting Hsi,
who was present at that time, asked him, "You have made up your mind to
look after the sick. Now you want
to go away after only 10 of 50 days.
Isn't this very inconsistent?"
Master Hsiu Wu
replied, "I am not leaving for any place other than rebirth in the
"When will
you depart?" asked Master Ting Hsi.
within ten days," Master Hsiu Wu answered and then returned to his room.
He came again to
see me and Master Ting Hsi, and said, "May I ask leave from you, Masters. I am going today. Please let me have a room all to myself,
and also ask some people to assist me in invoking Buddha's name to see me
Master Ting Hsi
ordered that a room in the
When he was about
to depart; the people who were bidding him farewell said, "Master Hsiu Wu,
today you are going to Buddha's Land.
Won't you compose some verses or gathas as a remembrance for us?"
Master Hsiu Wu
replied, "I was originally an unskilled laborer, far from being bright,
and I cannot write verses or gathas.
I have only a few words gathered from my experience to offer you: To be
able to speak but be unable to act is not genuine ability."
All who heard him
knew that he was treading on solid ground.
Then they recited Buddha's name in unison. Master Hsiu Wu joined them, sitting
cross-legged, facing the west. He
departed after fifteen minutes.
The temple had
a tall casket constructed to enable the body to take a sitting position. Toward evening, though the weather was
hot, he looked extraordinarily elegant and utterly fresh that not even a single housefly was attracted to him. Grand Master Ti
Hsien and others all rushed to see him and exclaimed that it indeed surprised
them. Then the casket was set aflame atop the firewood. Red flames and whitish
smoke rose, perfuming the air with a lovely aroma.
This event was
afterwards related to Mr. Tui-Fu Pan, a senior Buddhist devotee, who wrote an
article giving the account of Master Hsiu Wu's life and his practice of
Amidism. This article was printed
and widely distributed, for he considered Master Hsiu Wu to be an excellent
example among all the Bhiksus.
Secondly, there
was Mr. Hsi-Ping Cheng, a native of Chi-Mo in
In 1933, in
Tsintao, after I told him about the advantages of taking the Three Refuges and
practicing Amidism, he became much
more devoted in his practice. He handed over the family business to his younger
brother and then attended to the practice of Amidism with undivided
attention. Later, he learned and
was able to explain the Amitabha Sutra. Every year, he invariably went from
Chi-Mo to Tsintao, where he stayed for one or two days, and then proceeded to
Pingtu district, where he gave a few lectures on the sutra to his Buddhist
In 1935,
Mr. Cheng invited me to preach in
In the spring of
1939, Mr. Cheng went to Pingtu, via
Tsintao, to lecture on the sutra.
After two
weeks, someone came from Pingtu and told me, "Don't you know, Master, that
Mr. Hsi-Ping Cheng is gone?"
I was stunned by
this news, and said: "Some ten days ago he was quite well when he passed
by here. How could it be that now
he is gone so suddenly? What ailed him? How did he pass away?"
When Mr. Cheng
had finished his lecture on the Amitabha Satra, I was told, most of his
audience left. Only five or six who
had made arrangement for the lectures stayed on for lunch, as they were good
friends. After lunch, Mr. Cheng
asked one of his friends to have one room rented for him because he was going
His friend asked
him, "If you are going away, why do you need a room?"
"I am
going to be reborn in the
His friend said,
"We have been good friends for many years, so that even if you were not to
be reborn in the
Having said
these words, his friend had two rooms in his house vacated and a bunk prepared.
Mr. Cheng bid a brief farewell to his friends, giving himself a good
shake, and sat on the bunk,
cross-legged, facing the west.
Then he said,
"I beg your leave for I am going now. Since we have gathered in the faith
of Buddha, I ask, most humbly, that you please invoke Buddha's name in seeing
me off."
A friend said:
"Won't you give us a gatha as a token of remembrance?"
Mr. Cheng
replied: "lt is not necessary to give any gatha. You see how I may go without ado like
this. You may remember me by
following my example."
After hearing these words, they all recited
Buddha's name in bidding him goodbye. Mr. Cheng passed away smiling, in less
than fifteen minutes. Hence almost all the people in Pingtu knew that it was
good to practice Amidism. Many,
many people were thus led to believe in Buddhism.
Mr. Cheng's
younger brother had been disappointed in his elder brother, who had given up
the family and handed over their business to him in order to concentrate on the
practice of Amidism. Later, after
repeated persuasion by this elder brother, the younger one also came to believe
in Buddha's teaching and practiced Amidism, though rather reluctantly and not
in earnest. However, now he had
witnessed his elder brother's rebirth in the Pure Land while reciting Buddha's
name, clearly knowing in advance the hour of his departure, and going with
dignity and without fuss. He then
realized the absolute truth of Amidism. Afterwards, he did nothing but practice
Amidism. Three years later, he,
too, knew in advance the hour of his departure and passed away to be reborn in
the Pure Land, though he suffered some illness, and his passing was not as trouble-free
as his brother's had been.
The third
example [37] is that of Mrs.
Chang, a devotee of Tsintao.
She had two children, a boy and girl. The family lived in poor circumstances.
Her husband was a rickshaw-puller, serving the area around the wharves of the
port. They lived near the Chan Shan
House, where the Society for the Study of Buddhism was founded. Arrangements were made for me to visit
the society and preach there every Sunday. After my sermon, the devotees held a
session for Amidist practice. Mrs. Chang took this opportunity to take refuge
in the Precious Three and heard the Dharma. She was very devout, practicing
Amidism at home on weekdays, and she brought her children to the society on
Sundays to listen to the sermons and to join the congregation in reciting
Buddha's name.
One winter day in
1937, Mrs. Chang arose in the
morning and told her husband, "please take good care of the childreh, for
I am going away today to Buddha's Land."
Her husband,
who was busy everyday earning a living and ignorant of Buddhism, angrily said,
"Oh, stop it. Isn't it enough
that we are so poor? Now you find it fit to put on such a play!"
After saying
this, he paid her no further
attention and went off to work.
Mrs. Chang turned to her children and said,
"Today I am going to the
The children,
both very young,
Mrs. Chang then did some household chores.
After washing and combing her hair, she put on her simple dress, old but
freshly laundered, as she had no new or fancy dress. She sat on the bed, with legs crossed,
facing the west, and passed away while invoking Buddha's name.
Later, her two
children came inside expecting to eat, only to find their mother motionless,
sitting on the bed. Their food was
not prepared. She did not reply when they called. She did not budge when they pushed her. Then they realized that something
serious had happened to her. The children wept and told the neighbors, who
rushed in to see that Mrs. Chang, though apparently having been dead, for some
time, still looked alive. They
admired her achievement in the Amidist practice.
Mrs. Chang's husband came home from
the wharves. He wept
grievously. As he was so poor and
had no money for the funeral, members of the society raised the funds to take
care of the necessary arrangements.
conclusion, let us realize that the
most important thing in our life is to practice Amidism in order to put an end
to samsara, the cycles of birth and death. In all circumstances we must make
adjustments to our surroundings so that we may find time, even in our busy
schedules, to practice sitting in silent meditation and practice Amidism for
some time every day; While working, we can also practice Amidism silently in
our minds. Otherwise, indulging all
day in cruelty, stealing, lying, carnality, and evil thoughts will involve us in
wrongdoing, and creates evil karma which will surely
lead us to the three evil paths.
Buddha said in
the Surangama Sutra, "You owe me one life, and I repay you the debt. From such a cause and its associated
effects, we continue in Samsara through hundreds and thousands of eons. You
cherish my heart, and I admire your beauty. On account of this cause and its
associated factors, we are always in entanglements and bondage through hundreds
and thousands of eons. Only the
three evils-killing, stealing, and carnality--are basic evils. Because of their causes and related
factors, karmic consequences succeed each other."
Just think for a
moment how miserable it is to commit the evils of cruelty, stealing, and
carnality. I sincerely advise you to hasten to start Amidist practice and to
practice as much as you can. As the
saying states, one ejaculation of Buddha's name may
bring unlimited merits. One bow to
Buddha may eradicate as many sins as the sand grains in the
I have tried to
tell you, generally and in a rather fragmentary way, of the benefits to be
gained by Amidist practice. For a
detailed and complete treatment, there are the five sutras of the
35. The Northeast is the
popular name for "
36. In some accounts of
Amidist practice, devout followers of the
37. To help the reader
understand the next story, it should be made clear that rebirth in the
38. This apparently rather
exaggerated statement should be taken only as encouragement towards the
continued physical practice of Buddhism, not literally nor as mathematically
exact (Editor's Note).
Respectfully recorded
by Ta Kuang on the first day of the first lunar month, 1950, in the
sponsored by a group of the Grand-master's disciples, including Dharma-masters and devontees,
who wish to commemmorate the Centennial of the Grandmaster's birth by
introducing this gem of his teachings to the western world, on the first day of
the sixth month 1973 (lunar calendar); in the Temple of Enlightenment, Bronx,
New York.
vow that when my life approaches its end,
obstructionswill be swept away;
will see Amitabha Buddha,
be born in his
reborn in the
will perfect and completely fulfill
exception these Great Vows,
delight and benefit all beings.
The Vows of Samantabhadra
Avatamsaka Sutra
Teachings Of Great Master Yin Guang
Whether one is a layperson
or has left the home life, one should respect elders and be harmonious to those
surrounding him. One should endure what others cannot, and practice what others
can not achieve. One should take others' difficulties unto oneself and help
them succeed in their undertakings. While sitting quietly, one should often
reflect upon one's own faults, and when chatting with friends, one should not
discuss the rights and wrongs of others. In every action one makes, whether
dressing or eating, from dawn to dusk and dusk till dawn, one should not cease
to recite the Buddha's name. Aside from Buddha recitation, whether reciting
quietly or silently, one should not give rise to other improper thoughts. If
wandering thoughts appear, one should immediately dismiss them. Constantly
maintain a humble and repentful heart; even if one has upheld true cultivation,
one should still feel one's practice is shallow and never boast. One should
mind one's own business and not the business of others. Only look after the
good examples of others instead of bad ones. One should see oneself as mundane
and everyone else as Bodhisattvas. If one can cultivate according to these
teachings, one is sure to reach the Western Pure
Homage to Amitabha!
the Buddha's teachings have been received, either in cities or countrysides,
people would gain inconceivable benefits. The land and people would be
enveloped in peace. The sun and moon will shine clear and bright. Wind and rain
would appear accordingly, and there will be no disasters. Nations would be
prosperous and there would be no use for soldiers or weapons. People would
abide by morality and accord with laws. They would be courteous and humble, and
everyone would be content without injustices. There would be no thefts or
violence. The strong would not dominate the weak and everyone would be settled
at their proper place in society."
* The Sutra of Amitatha's Purity,
Equality and understanding
May the merit and virtues
accrued from this work,
Adorn the Buddha's Pure Land,
Repaying the four kinds
of kindness above,
and relieving the sufferings
those in the Three Paths
May those who see and hear of
All bring forth the heart of
And live the Teachings for
the rest of this life,
Then be born together in
Homage to Amitabha Buddha!
Reprinted and Donated for
free distribution by
The Corporatete Body of the
Buddha Educational Foundation
11th Foor, 55, Hang Chow S.
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Tel: 886-2-3951198, Far
Printed in
1997 June, 30000 copies