Buddhism took
its natural course in
For instance,
T'ien T'ai, Hsien Shou, San Lun, and Fa Hsiang differ in their teaching and
vary in methods of meditation. Generally speaking, however, they all consider
it most convenient to practice Amidism, and their followers may realize
Buddhahood through this practice.
Even in the Dhyana school, there is the meditation theme: "Who is
invoking Buddha's name?" In short, no matter whether one renounces the
world and enters the religious life or remains at home, no matter what his original motives are
in following Buddha, one's sole aim is nothing but the realization of
Buddhahood through the practice of Amidism. For example, in the great Chinese
monasteries, both in the south and north, no matter to what schools devotees
belong, when participating in the circumambulation in the grand hall twice
every day, the invocation, "Namo Amitabha" is
always repeated. All oral communications always begin and are responded to with
the invocation, "Namo Amitabha." Of course, all have the same final
goal: to be reborn in the
At the same
time, in the process of following Buddha to realize enlightenment, one has to
follow and keep the precepts.
Whether or not Buddhism flourishes depends on its followers adhering to
the precepts. If Buddha's precepts
are followed and kept by all, Buddhism will remain a vital force in the world.
Otherwise, Buddhism will become extinct with the march of time.
When Buddha
Sakyamuni was living he was the example for all his followers, and his disciples considered him the
Master. After his death, all took
the precepts as the Master.
When Buddha was
near death, his followers, pleading with him to stay in the world, surrounded
him, lamenting bitterly. Though in
extreme grief, a thought suddenly occurred to Elder Wu P'in. He thought that previously Buddha's
followers had him as a guide, but now that he was about to enter Parinirvana,
there were still several questions to be clarified. At this point, Ananda was standing by
Buddha, weeping grievously, with his face covered. Ananda was Buddha's personal attendant, and therefore most likely to transmit
the Dharma as he was present whenever Buddha preached. Therefore, elder Wu P'in
requested Ananda to ask Buddha several questions: As all his followers dwelt with Buddha
while he was still living, with whom would they abide after his passing? Since all looked upon Buddha as the
Master when he was living, who or what were they to take as their master after
Buddha's Parinirvana?
In reply to
Ananda's inquiry, Buddha said: "After my Nirvana, you should abide with
the four Smrtyrupasthana" (i.e., objects on which the mind should dwell),[31] and should take the
precepts as the Master."
So you see how
important the precepts are to future generations!
All disciples of
Buddha must follow and keep Buddha's precepts. Even if one may find it
impossible to keep all the precepts, he must still follow and keep some of the
more important training rules. If
he can only keep a few precepts, it will be better than keeping none at all.
Each of the
monasteries in north and south
The great Vinaya
Master Hung I, though specializing
in Vinaya, personally practiced Amidism wholeheartedly and devotedly. He
advised people to practice Amidism whenever they had an opportunity. Many other
grand masters, such as Ti Hsien, Hsu Yun, etc., placed special emphasis on
Amidism. Hence, it is said:
teachings, develop your own school. And for self-cultivation, practice
The seven categories of Buddha's followers are listed on the beginning of part
five. Sometimes reference is made to only four categories: bhikshus,
bhikshunis, laymen and laywomen.
31. Minute contemplation
and analysis of the Body, Feelings, Mind, and Mind-Objects.