A Short Discourse
Grandmaster T'an Hsu
Part One
Originating in
After his advent into the
world, Buddha Sakyamuni, the historical Buddha, preached for forty-nine years
after his awakening. His sermons were later collected into the Tripitaka,[1] in Twelve
Human beings differ in
background and disposition and, therefore, the teachings which they receive are
also diverse, but all Buddhadharma (the teachings of Buddha) is based on
the Tripitaka. After Buddhism was introduced into
Among the five main schools,
The Sect represents "A special transmission outside the
scriptures." Its emphasis is on Dhyana or meditation practice--the
direct pointing to the mind of man: seeing into ones own nature, and the
realization of Buddhahood.
The approach taken by the
Teaching schools is that an intellectual understanding of the basic principles
of Buddhism is necessary before an attempt is made towards self-cultivation
through dhyana.
In the Vinaya school,
emphasis is on the observation of the precepts laid down by Buddha. One
begins by regulating the body and proceeds gradually to composing the
mind. The minimum number of precepts is five, but one may also observe
from ten to 250.[5] There are also precepts for Bodhisattvas, who are candidates for
Buddhahood. By scrupulous observation of the precepts in spirit and letter, one
may develop serenity and thereby gain spiritual wisdom.
The Esoteric school
specializes in the practice of invocation of mantras, with emphasis on the
three-fold mysteries.[6]
The practices of the four
schools mentioned above are usually more difficult for the beginner.
In contrast, Amidism is
the simplest and most direct way of practice. If one keeps repeating the
invocation "Namo Amitabha Buddha" (Homage to the Buddha
of Infinite Light and Life) until single-minded attention
is reached, one may finally be led by Buddha to rebirth in
the Western Paradise, where there is access to Buddha's knowledge and insight
and so recover the essence of Enlightenment. This practice is suitable
for the intelligent person as well as the dull person. The method to be
practiced in the Amidist approach is to repeat the invocation of Buddha's name
and to contemplate Buddha with reverence. Of course, one must also strive
to uphold the moral precepts.
It may be asked: Why is it
necessary to invoke Buddha's name and contemplate Buddha?
Let us understand first
the meaning of "Nien Fo" in Chinese. 【Chinese Characters: Nien/Nian
The character "Nien"
is composed of two distinct characters; namely, "chin," which means
"now," and "hsin," which means "the
mind." Separately, we have "now" and "the mind;"
combined, we have "Nien."
"Fo" is short
for "Fo T'o," a transliteration of the Sanskrit word
"Buddha," which means The Enlightened One. It signifies
It would be well for
everyone to try to practice Amidism because each and every person is capable of
undertaking this training. Its purpose is to realize enlightenment and
singleness of thought. One single thought may pervade all Ten Dharma Worlds.[7] It is said that
all periods of time, both past and present, cannot be dissociated from the
present instant, and the worlds and universes, as numerous as molecules and
atoms, are not separate from one another by even a hair's breadth. If one
resolves to practice Amidism, practice for one instant produces enlightenment
for one instant, while practice at all times produces enlightenment at all
times. Likewise, practice for one instant produces understanding for one
instant, while practice at all times produces understanding at all times.
Who does not wish to be
enlightened? Who does not wish to gain understanding? Most people pay lip
service to these ideals by saying they wish to be enlightened and they wish to
gain understanding. However, they harbor foolish thoughts in the mind.
What are foolish thoughts?
They are the three mental evils of greed, hatred, and delusion. What are
foolish actions? They are the three bodily evils: killing, stealing, and
harmful sexual conduct. The four oral evils are speaking hypocritically,
and using harsh, false and suggestive language. As a result of mental,
vocal, and bodily pollution, human beings constantly involve the six senses[8] in
discrimination of sight, sound, etc. Thus most lives are spent
precariously living on crude sense data.
1. Tripitaka means Three Baskets of the Law. Dharma refers to the three-part canon.
This collection is divided into Sutras which contain the discourses of Buddha,
Vinaya which contains the Rules of Discipline which govern the Sangha
(Brotherhood of Monks and Nuns), and Sastras, the philosophical analysis of the
2. Twelve Divisions are
classified in the Mahayana Canon. They are:
A. Sutra--Buddha's
sermons; B. Geya--metrical pieces; C. Gatha--verses, chants; D. Nidana--the Law of Causation; E. Itivrttaka--narratives
of disciples; F. Jataka--stories of Buddha's previous lives; G.
Adbhuta--dharma-miracles; H. Avadana--parables; I. Upadesa--theories; J.
Udana--impromptu or unsolicited addresses of Buddha; K. Vaipulya -- expanded
sutras; L. Vyakarana -- prophecies
3. Chinese Buddhism
usually refers to the Dhyana sect as The Sect. "Dhyana" is transliterated from the Sanskrit into
"Ch'an na" in Chinese, and shortened to Ch'an, or Zen in Japanese
pronunciation. Its meaning
approximates mental cultivation, or meditation.
4. There are many Teaching
schools, which have numerous subdivisions.
These schools or branches are usually named after the geographical area
of origination, such as T'ien T'ai, or after the doctrines, such as San Lun, Fa
Hsiang, etc.
5. The Five Precepts are
(1) not to kill, (2) not to steal, (3) not to indulge in harmful sexual
conduct, (4) not to lie, (5) not to take intoxicating liquors or harmful
drugs. These are minimum moral
requirements for any Buddhist. On
certain occasions, the Ten Precepts are observed. In addition to the above training rules
are the precepts (6) not to eat at unregulated hours, (7) not to use cosmetics
or perfumes, (8) not to sleep on high or luxurious beds, (9) not to attend
theatrical performances, (10) not to handle silver, gold, or money.
6. A mantra is an
invocation based on the scientific knowledge of the power of sound. The
three-fold mysteries refer to the physical, oral, and mental faculties.
7. For a psychological
explanation of the Ten Dharma Worlds, see page 23~24. The Ten Dharma Worlds
include six inferior and four superior existences: namely (1) Narka - hells,
(2) Preta - hungry ghosts, (3) Tiryagyoni -animals, (4) Asura - malevolent spirits, (5)
Manusya -human beings, (6) Devas - celestial beings, (7) Sravaka -Buddha's personal disciples, (8) Pratyeka - solitary Buddhas, (9) Bodhisattvas- beings who delay final
enlightenment in order to aid others, and (10) Buddhas -fully enlightened ones.
8. Besides the sense
organs for seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, Buddhism considers the
mind as the sixth sense.