一九八九年 淨空法師講于台北安坑國小
By Master Chin Kung
Part A 【英文語音撥放 Play English Audio】
Today's societies in
Environmental pollution has become a
serious problem and now humankind has finally begun to understand the need for
protecting our environment. However, the problem of mental or spiritual
pollution is many times more serious than that of the environment. This is the
source of worldly ills that not many people realize. The Chinese have a saying,
is most essential to establish a nation, train its leaders and its
For centuries, the Chinese have always believed in the primacy of education,
which is considered the foundation for a peaceful and prosperous society. It
provides the solution to a myriad of social ills and leads the way to changing
one's suffering into happiness. Education has a strong impact on the nation and
its people. Moreover, elementary school is the foundation, the basic building
block in an educational system.
Buddhism officially came to
佛教是在後漢時傳到中國,後漢永平十年,(公元六十七年),到現在已有一千九百多年了,這是佛教正式傳到中國。非正式的,大約在春秋時代就有佛教傳到中國來,但不是朝廷的接納。在永平年間,皇帝派了特使到西域去禮請,聘請法師到中國來,佛教是中國政府禮聘來的。諸位必須認清楚的是,佛教是教育,而不是宗教。佛教變成宗教的歷史很短,充其量不超過兩百年,現在變成宗教是很遺憾,所以才有今天這種現象。以前它不是宗教,它是教育, 釋迦牟尼佛的教育。所以今天我們對正名的工作應當重視,所謂「名不正則言不順」。
Buddhism is Buddha Shakyamuni's
educational system, which is similar to that of Confucius for both presented
similar viewpoints and methods. The goal of Buddhist education is to attain
wisdom. In Sanskrit, the language of ancient
The Buddha's teaching contains three major points: discipline, meditation and
wisdom. Wisdom is the goal
and deep meditation or concentration is the crucial process toward achieving
wisdom. Discipline through observing the precepts, is the method that helps one
to achieve deep meditation; wisdom will then be realized naturally. Buddha's
entire teachings as conveyed in the sutras
never really depart from these three points. Buddhism encompasses the entire
collection of works by Buddha Shakyamuni and is called the Tripitaka. This can be classified into three
categories: sutra,
vinaya (precepts or rules), and sastra (commentaries), which emphasize meditation, discipline, and wisdom
Buddhist education is based on filial piety, as is the Chinese
culture. Prior to the introduction of Buddhism to
The first two monks, who came to
Another important mission for the
original "Si" was sutra translation. The scale of the translation
effort is hard to imagine today. During the seventh century, the famous monk Xuan-Tsuang had supervised six hundred scholars
in sutra translation. Prior to this, a monk named Kumaraja had a translation team of about
four hundred scholars. Therefore, the "Si" was a large governmental
organization. Unfortunately, it was completely transformed into a place to deal
with superstition and spirits around two hundred years ago. Its educational
characteristics totally disappeared, which was truly regretful.
當年傳到中國來的時候,寺院有兩個重要的任務,一個即翻譯佛經,等於現在的國立編譯館的工作。翻譯佛經,譯場規模之大也不是我們想像得到的。唐代 玄奘法師,這是很有名的一個人,他的譯場,編制就有六百多人,你想規模有多大。早期 鳩摩羅什大師譯場的編制,也有四百多人。所以佛寺是個很大的政府辦事機構,這是我們要曉得的。現在寺廟完全變質了,教育幾乎完全喪失!變成專門跟鬼神打交道的場所,這是很冤枉的一樁事情。這是清朝中葉以後,逐漸演變到現在這個現象。我們學佛,一定要知道佛教簡單的歷史,曉得佛法的本質,我們要學它真正的好東西。
Today, there are four types of Buddhism being
practiced. First, there is the religious Buddhism,
which can be witnessed in temples throughout
When I was a young student in
After I arrived in
Soon after I started to learn
Buddhism seriously, I was fortunate to meet Master Zhang-Jia. He was a well-accomplished Esoteric practitioner who taught
and guided me in my study and practice. Just like Mr. Fang, he taught me two
hours every week for three years until he passed away. I then went to
接觸佛法之後,因緣殊勝,我認識了 章嘉大師,這是一位很有修學成就的大德,我的佛學受章嘉大師的指導,他也
Buddhism is a special kind of knowledge; it is not a religion.
In order to derive true benefit from it, we have to understand its true nature.
I have the utmost respect for Buddhism and I believe Buddha Shakyamuni to be
the foremost educator in the history of the world. He
was just like Confucius in that he taught everyone tirelessly and without discrimination.
The continuing education system for teachers was first
established by Buddha Shakyamuni. Many of his students were well accomplished
under his instruction. Every year, these students were assigned to teach at
different places for nine months. In
Buddhist teaching is full of artistic expressions. It
was originally an education, which combined what was equivalent to to-day's
museum and school system. Therefore, the "Si" combined the
traditional school, library and museum. In ancient
Typical Buddhist buildings are
expressions of art, which are called "Expressions of Buddhism." However, Buddha and Bodhisattva
statues do not represent polytheism, the worship of more than one god. Each statue serves to
inspire wisdom and awakening in each of us. They also represent certain aspects
of Buddhism, which remind practitioners of the particular topic of teaching.
For example, Guan
Yin Bodhisattva,
the most popular Bodhisattva in
Buddhist architecture is also an artistic expression,
with the temple's main
cultivation hall being
similar to a large meeting or teaching hall. From the exterior, it appears to have two stories, but there is only
one story inside. The external two stories represent "absolute truth" or the true reality of life and the
universe, and "relative
truth" or worldly views
still clouded with delusion. The interior single story illustrates that both
are the same truth. To the deluded, the two appear distinct and different;
however, to the
enlightened, they are one and
the same.
In the center of the main
cultivation hall, there are three statues, one Buddha and two Bodhisattvas.
Buddha represents the true nature of the universe and human life, which is
called "Buddha nature" or true mind. "Buddha" is translated
from Sanskrit, and means someone who is totally enlightened. The Buddha statue
represents our original enlightenment and the Bodhisattvas statues represent
the application of our original enlightened mind. All the representations and
applications are infinite and can be classified into two categories: wisdom and practice. For example, the
However, nowadays many people do not understand the
meaning and teachings of Buddhism. They mistake the multi-representations of
Bodhisattvas as a sign of polytheism. What people fail to understand is the
fact that the statues in Buddhism are teaching aids and not statues of gods.
All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas represent our nature and cultivation of virtue. We have infinite capabilities within our
true nature that cannot be expressed by just one
single term. Therefore, we have multiple representations; for instance, a
capable person today may have many titles on his/her business cards to show
his/her positions and accomplishments. The Buddha and Bodhisattvas are actually
representations of the nature within ourselves: Buddha, as in our true nature
of mind, and the Bodhisattvas, in our virtue of cultivation. We all possess
these qualities. Not until we come to realize the meaning of Buddhist
symbolism, will we appreciate the sophistication and completeness of its education.
Typical "Si" buildings are
rare today. The first hall of a "Si" is the hall of Heavenly Guardians, also known as Dharma Protectors. Situated in the center
of the hall, facing the front door, is Mi Le Pu Sa (Maitreya Bodhisattva) who is represented by the
image of the historical monk Bu-Dai. Mi Le Pu Sa has a big smile that conveys the idea that in
order to truly learn Buddhism, one should learn to be cheerful and courteous to
all. He also has a huge belly that represents fairness, flexibility,
impartiality, patience and tolerance.
我們今天略舉一個比喻,臺灣的寺院建築不完整,這是受日本人統治的影響。在臺灣,標準建築的寺院很少見;大陸上很多。寺院第一個建築物是天王殿,通常講是護法,天王殿裡當中供的是 彌勒菩薩。彌勒菩薩是依照 布袋和尚的像造的,肚皮很大,笑咪咪的。他坐在當中面對著大門,他代表的意義是你想入佛門,第一個條件要笑臉迎人。現在政府提倡微笑運動,佛門幾千年前就提倡微笑運動,佛弟子、學佛的人要歡歡喜喜。肚皮很大就是要能夠包容,他代表的是「生平等心、成喜悅相」。他是教我們這個科目,心能夠平等、能夠包容、能夠歡喜,這樣的人才有資格入佛門,才有資格來接受佛陀的教育。
Standing beside Mi Le Pu Sa are the four Heavenly Guardians or Dharma Protectors. They are symbolic
guardians of the practitioners of the Buddhist way. Whom do they protect? They
protect us by reminding us to educate ourselves and to safeguard the proper
knowledge, which we should learn. Each guardian portrays a different aspect of
thought or action.
The Eastern Dharma Protector (holding a lute)
symbolizes responsibility and safeguards the territory, which means that all of
us are responsible for ourselves, our family, society and the country as a
whole. If each of us performs our duties well, fulfilling our obligations, we
support each other and ourselves as well. The Southern Dharma Protector (holding a sword)
symbolizes progress and teaches us diligence. He emphasizes the importance of
constantly cultivating and advancing our virtue, wisdom and knowledge, and to
improve performance in ourselves and our duties. This is similar to Confucian
ideas of daily self-improvement.
The Western Dharma Protector (holding a dragon or snake) symbolizes
comprehensive vision and knowledge gained through exposure to the world. He
represents the need to open our eyes to observe nature and man, to refine what
we see and learn, and to distinguish good from ill. The Northern Dharma Protector (holding an umbrella) symbolizes
comprehensive study and learning. Both teach ways of practice and how to
achieve the goals in responsibility fulfillment and self-improvement. As the
ancient Chinese have said: "To read ten thousand books and to travel ten-thousand
miles." We read to gain
more knowledge and travel to observe more effectively. We will then be able to
improve ourselves and to perform our duties most effectively.
Today, people visit the Hall of
Dharma Protectors to burn incense, prostrate and offer flowers and fruit praying for
protection and safety. This is superstition. All the facilities, images of Buddha and Bodhisattvas
and any offerings made are teaching tools designed to inspire our mind and
wisdom. They also serve to remind us of the importance of being enlightened instead of
deluded, virtuous instead of deviated, pure instead of polluted. These are the three
principles of Buddhist teaching and practice.
The ways in practicing Buddhism are numerous, about eighty-four
thousand. Each path is different from the others but ultimately leads to the
same goals: enlightenment, proper thoughts and viewpoints, and purity. As such, all paths are equal without
one being superior to the other. People have different abilities and levels of accomplishment.
Furthermore, they are from different environments and should choose a path most
suited to them. We can choose any one of the three goals to concentrate our
practice on. When we achieve any one of them, the other two will come
There are ten schools of practice in
Chinese Buddhism. Zen
stresses the
pursuit of the perfect clear mind or enlightenment. The
purity of the world comes from an individual’s inner purity. With a pure mind,
a mind without discrimination or attachment, a higher level of wisdom arises in
which the world around us naturally comes into harmony. By reciting the
Buddha’s name, meditating, reciting sutras or mantras, and practicing in accordance with Buddha’s
teaching, one will attain enlightenment, proper thoughts and viewpoints, and
purity of mind thus becoming void of all deluded thoughts.
On the other hand, one is totally on
the wrong path if one chants Buddha’s name in the hope of gaining a promotion or wealth. That is religion and
superstition, and it goes against the teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha.
How Buddhist Terminology
Illustrates that Buddhism is an Education
is the teaching of Buddha Shakyamuni as he was its founder. We call Him the "Original teacher," just like the Chinese call Confucius the "Greatest sage and
teacher." The
relationship between Buddha and ourselves is a teacher-student relationship, which is not religious in nature. In
religion, there is not a teacher-student relationship but that of father-son or
About twenty years ago I gave a series of lectures in
a monk is called "He-Shang," he is equivalent to the principal in
today’s school, for he is the director of educational strategies. All other
faculty members are teachers who execute
the principal’s educational strategies and act as role models for the students’
behavior and speech. My late teacher, Professor Fang constantly assured me that
Buddhism is an education. Later in my studies of the sutras, I reaffirmed his
statement that Buddhism
is the pinnacle of the world’s wisdom. It provides the greatest enjoyment for
humankind. I have experienced
the unsurpassable
joy of being free from afflictions, delusions and wandering thoughts. My
body and mind are clean and pure, totally at ease. I am the happiest person in
the world. Therefore, I feel indebted to Professor Fang, for without him, I
would not have learned Buddhism nor would I have such complete happiness
derived from practicing Buddha’s teaching.
Buddhism successfully merged into Chinese culture; they
became inseparable. The basic concept that they share is to give up one's own
interest for the sake of others. Confucianism and Buddhism advocate the
enhancement and glorification of filial piety, the respect and devotion of an
individual for their parents and teachers. Filial piety is a major element in
accomplishing world peace.
What is education? It is the meaning and the value of
human life, the relationships between human beings as well as those between
humans and the universe. Confucian teaching encompasses three main points.
First, it is important to understand the relationship between humans, once this is understood we will learn to love
people. Second, it is important to understand the relationship between humans and
heaven, once this is
understood we will learn to respect heavenly beings and spirits. Third, it is
important to understand the relationship between humans and the environment, once this is understood we will learn to
take care of the environment and to appreciate every single thing around us.
There are four studies within Confucian teachings: virtue, speech, skills for
earning a living and the arts. The teaching of virtue is the core of
Confucianism; it is absolutely crucial, for without morality and proper conduct
we become selfish and concerned only with ourselves at the expense of society.
Such behavior can result in world chaos. Today, our education has lost that
emphasis. Schools only teach skills that are superficial and not the root of
education. When the root is rotten, it shakes the foundation of society and
causes the chaos that we are experiencing today. Elementary schools are like
the root of education: junior highs, high schools, and colleges are the flowers
and leaves. Teachers can start teaching filial piety to our children as early
as possible.
By looking at the way Chinese
characters were created, we cannot but admire our ancestor's high level of
wisdom. We thank them for having given us something that is so valuable and
exquisite. The Chinese character "piety" embraces the spirit of
Buddhism and the foundation of education as it is a combination of the characters
for "old" and "son." Nowadays, people talk about the generation gap between parents and
children, which is something traditional families did not have. In the Chinese
tradition, not only are father and son one unit; grandfathers and grandsons,
etc. are all part of the same continuum. This is a unique concept. Westerners
often ask why Chinese people pay respect to ancestors since we barely know
them. The remembrance of our ancestors is the foundation of Confucianism and
Buddhism, which is the source of harmony in society and peace in the world.
Today everyone longs for world peace, but we need to start from the foundation
of filial piety to obtain it. Buddhism emphasizes unconditional compassion for all sentient
beings in the universe and beyond; in the past, present and future. The continuum of time and space is
inseparable from oneself, for We Are All One Entity. One does not find this extensive concept in religion. "Thus Come
One", one of the ten names for Buddha, stands for an enlightened being,
which is our basic nature, and also the essence of the universe and human life.
This concept is embodied by the Chinese character "piety" and the
name of Amitabha
Buddha in the