Messages from New Discoveries in Space
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English Audio¡j
Maosen Zhong, Ph.D.
Lecturer in Finance
Student in
The Pure
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Buddhism is not a religion but an education about the truth of life and the
universe. Modern science has gradually verified what Buddha Shakyamuni
taught in the sutras (i.e., Buddhist texts). We contrast the new physics
discoveries about the universe with statements in the sutras. These new
scientific discoveries are very similar to what Buddha Shakyamuni
taught 3000 years ago. Specifically, we relate three findings in space physics
to the Buddha¡¦s teachings: 1) Distance and time are ¡§illusory¡¨; 2) Things can
be created from ¡§nothing¡¨; and 3) The origin of the universe. We hope this
preliminary study can prompt our thinking and discussion about the truth of our
Traditional Buddhism
is not a religion but an education about the truth of life and the universe.
Modern science has gradually verified what Buddha Shakyamuni
taught in the sutras (i.e., Buddhist texts). It would be interesting to
contrast the new physics discoveries about the universe with the statements in
the sutras. In this paper, we summarize some key discoveries about the universe
from America.s National Aeronautics and Space Administration.s (NASA) on-line cosmology literature.
The purpose of this
preliminary study is to stimulate our thinking and discussion of the truth
about our universe. We believe that each religion has insightful descriptions
about the truth of life and the universe. It is important for religious
followers to study their own scriptures and understand these truths.
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Modern cosmology attempts to describe
how the universe started and developed. It is built upon quantum mechanics and Albert Einstein¡¦s
Theories of Relativity. Most of the discoveries are derived from highly
advanced mathematical principles and are quite difficult for a person without
sufficient knowledge in physics and mathematics to comprehend. However, we do
not intend to focus on the technical details of those mathematical formulas
here. What is important are the messages that emerge
from this scientific research. We will elaborate on some key discoveries of
space physics research, which appear amazingly similar to what Buddha Shakyamuni had taught 3000 years ago.
In this paper, we
present three key messages derived from modern cosmology and quantum physics,
which are essentially the same as some of the Buddha¡¦s profound teachings about
the universe. Below we try to use easy-to-understand language to explain the
ideas, avoiding complicated mathematical equations, because we expect our
audience to be the general public, not physics professionals. These three key
messages are:
1) Distance and time are ¡§illusory¡¨;
2) Things can be created from ¡§nothing¡¨;
3) The origin of the universe.
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1. Distance and Time are ¡§Illusory¡¨
To come up with this concept is
not an easy task in physics. Although we do not emphasize the technical aspects
of physics in this paper, the proof of this idea has to rely on Albert Einstein.s Theory of Relativity. Relativity is an outgrowth
of Einstein¡¦s thoughts in the early 1900s about motion and gravity in a
non-Newtonian framework.
Einstein¡¦s relativity framework,
however, is completely different. Instead of the Absolute view of fundamental parameters such as space and time
envisioned in Newtonian physics, space, time, energy, and mass can all vary in
their perceived nature in a Relative
sense. This theory completely altered the direction of modern physics and
provided a solid theoretical founding for cosmic research. Einstein is
therefore regarded as the ¡§Father of Modern Science¡¨.
Both the history of Einstein¡¦s
discoveries and an excellent portrayal of how they affect cosmology are given
in Amir Acezel¡¦s book God¡¦s Equation: Einstein, Relativity, and
the Expanding Universe, published by Dell Publishing in 1999. Einstein was
awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1922 and was later selected by Time Magazine as the ¡§Man of the 20th
Century.¡¨ A splendid biography of him: Einstein: The Life and Times by Ronald W.
Clark, published by Avon Books in 1971, describes Einstein¡¦s contribution as a
scientist and humanitarian.
There are two stages
of Relativity theories: Special Relativity (SR) and General Relativity (GR). Special
Relativity is applicable to objects that are traveling at uniform velocities. General Relativity is concerned with the
effects of accelerating velocities.
Einstein¡¦s theory of Special Relativity (SR) was first published in Annalen de Physik in
the summer of 1905. In the same issue of that Journal, he also had significant
papers on Brownian motion and on the photoelectric effect, for which he later
(in 1922) was awarded a Nobel Prize in physics.
Einstein, among other
researchers, realized that physical properties should theoretically change
greatly when their measurements are under conditions where the observer is traveling
at high speeds relative to that of light. A simple relationship between the
length and speed of an object can be described in the following equation:
where Lv is
the object¡¦s length when it is moving, Lo is the object¡¦s length when it is
standing still, v is the speed of the
moving object, and c is the speed of light (approximately 300,000
kilometers per second). Figure 1 below shows the inverse relationship between
an object¡¦s length and its speed according to the equation (1). As an object
moves increasingly faster (relative to the observer), its length becomes
progressively smaller.
Figure 1. The relationship between an
object¡¦s length and speed
Equation (1) tells us
that objects that are moving very fast (at significant fractions of light speed)
would appear to ¡§shrink¡¨ in length. If an object is moving at the speed of
light, then the ratio v2/c2 =1, we will observe that the
object has no length or size. In other words, lengths (or sizes) will vanish at
the speed of light. For instance, under certain conditions, you will not see
any distance
between a nearby object (say, the
This concept is consistent with
Buddha Shakyamuni.s teaching in the Infinite Life Sutra : ¡§The Buddha does come but without
coming from anywhere. He leaves but without going anywhere. He was neither born
nor will he pass away¡¨. Another similar statement can be found in the Practices and Vows of Bodhisattva Universal
Worthy of the Flower Adornment Sutra: ¡§In each of the innumerable Buddhas¡¦ lands, I manifested transformation bodies as
numerous as the number of fine dusts in incalculable numbers of Buddha-lands.¡¨
Bodhisattva Universal Worthy has the ability to appear in infinite number of
worlds at the same time. This ability can now be understood by modern physics.
Regarding time, the
theory of Relativity also provides an intriguing viewpoint. A cornerstone
premise in Einstein¡¦s physics is the constancy of the speed of light. That is,
light travels at precisely 299,792 km/sec (or approximately 300,000 km/sec) and
this is the highest speed an object can attain. Nothing (with mass) can
accelerate beyond the speed of light.
Let us first consider a simple
example in our daily life. Suppose we are walking in a fast-moving train. While
we might feel that we are walking slowly, an observer outside of the train
would see that we were passing by very rapidly. This is because our relative
speed is very low with respect to the train but is very high with respect to
the external observer.
Now suppose we occupy
a spacecraft moving at extreme speeds (approaching the speed of light) away
from Earth. From the spacecraft, we use a special clock device to send forth a
light signal every second to an observer on Earth. In the spacecraft passengers¡¦
eyes, the relative motion of ourselves within the
spacecraft is that of standing still with respect to the spacecraft, but moving
quite fast (close to the speed of light) with respect to external observers.
For the rapidly moving spacecraft passengers, the clock on board seems to move
normally (without any change in the length of time of asecond).
The external observers receive the light signal from the clock on the
fast-moving spacecraft at a much longer time interval (interval between seconds increases). That
is, for external observers on Earth, the clock on the spacecraft appears to
tell time more slowly so that time ¡§stretches out.¡¨
In effect, for anyone moving at
high relative speeds, time stretches out (called ¡§time dilation¡¨). There is no
¡§absolute¡¨ time. Thus, time is just an ¡§illusion.¡¨ Theoretically, you may be
able to stretch time from very short intervals to extremely long intervals
without making any change to yourselves and your objects. In fact, we believe that
the Buddha has attained this ability. In the Infinite Life Sutra, it is said: ¡§The Buddha possesses unfathomable
wisdom. He has no obstacles. In one single instant, he can dwell in innumerable
billions of kalpas (i.e., long eons), but his body
and sense organs do not increase or decrease (i.e., do not age). Why is it? Because the Buddha¡¦s concentration and wisdom are boundless and
free of obstructions.¡¨ Hence, when we attain the ultimate bliss of Buddhahood, this fantastic ability comes naturally from within
Another excellent example
of the time dilation effect is best illustrated by Einstein¡¦s ¡§Twin Paradox.¡¨
If the above-mentioned spacecraft were to return Earth after 20 years
(according to the Earth calendar) of high-speed travel, the passengers on board
will prove to have aged less than 20 years of Earth¡¦s time. Suppose two twin
brothers born on the same day separate in the following manner. The ground twin
remains on Earth while the space twin takes a journey such as described above.
The ground twin now becomes 20 years older. The space twin, upon return,
appears to have aged about 3 years because time has shortened from 20 years to
3 years for the space twin and his bodily functions in aging have proceeded
more slowly relative to those on Earth. To himself and any other passengers on
the spacecraft, he has aged in the normal manner¡Xalthough he felt that he was
traveling for only three years.
To take this a step
further, theoretically, the space traveler sees his return as a step into the
future (from 3 years old to 20 years old). On the other hand, if time can be
shortened to a negative value, the traveler can somehow move backward in time
from ¡§now¡¨ to the past.
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are
able to actually enter either the infinite past or the infinite future in a
single moment. As Bodhisattva Universal Worthy says in the Flower Adornment Sutra: ¡§I can clearly behold the state of the
future and combine all coming kalpas (i.e., long
eons) into one instantaneous thought. I can also penetrate all the eras of the
past, present, and future in an instant.¡¨
To further illustrate
this point, we want to cite an example from Buddhist literature, which is
analogous to the example of Einstein¡¦s ¡§Twin Brother Paradox¡¨ that we just
discussed. There were three brothers who practiced hard in order to be reborn
into heaven and follow Bodhisattva Maitreya¡¦s
teachings there. The three promised each other that whoever went to heaven
first would come back to tell the other two what was happening in heaven.
One brother went to
heaven first but never returned. Then a few years later, the second brother
went to heaven and returned three years later to see the third brother who was
still on Earth. The third brother asked, ¡§What took you so long?¡¨ The second
brother protested, ¡§I have been in heaven for only a moment. As soon as I paid
my respect to Bodhisattva Maitreya, I returned to see
you. But when I came back, three years had passed on Earth!¡¨ ¡§What about our
other brother who never returned?¡¨ The second brother answered, ¡§He was seduced
by many beautiful girls in heaven and forgot about seeing Bodhisattva Maitreya.¡¨ Upon hearing this, the third brother felt that
it was too risky to attain enlightenment in heaven. He decided to be reborn in
In summary, space and time are
varying and illusionary phenomena. Under some conditions, space and time can be
changed completely. Indeed, the recent discovery of black holes demonstrates
this concept. According to NASA space scientists, space and time can reverse
themselves in a black hole. This means that space becomes time-like and time
becomes space-like. What we call time does change to something with the
mathematical properties we have normally associated with space, and vice versa.
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2. Things can be created from nothing
Talking about this
concept, let us first quote NASA astronomer Dr. Odenwald,
¡§Nature has over the years presented us with many physical situations where our
intuition about how things ¡¥ought¡¦ to behave has been shown to be absolutely
false: people age differently if they are moving; space can dilate; matter can
be created out of pure energy; matter can be created spontaneously out of the
In this section, we present the
idea that things can be created from nothing. Without spending too much time in
explaining the mathematical formulas, we can cite Einstein¡¦s conclusion of the
Principle of Equivalence of mass and energy. That is, under certain conditions,
energy can ¡§condense¡¨ to mass and, conversely, mass is convertible to energy.
The famous conversion formula is
E = mc2
where c is the speed of light, E is
energy, and m is mass. The energy is equal to mass times c2.
From this equation, one can
deduce that as an object moves faster up to speeds approaching that of light,
its energy will begin to increase notably. In principle then, the maximum
energy a given amount of mass can release is determined by c2. This
mass-energy equivalence forms the basis of recovering huge amounts of energy by
¡§tapping¡¨ into the nuclei of atoms; the
energy released from the explosion of
an atomic bomb is derived from this theoretical relationship.
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On the other hand,
matter (mass) can be created if enough energy is applied to some volume of
space. This can be seen by simply rearranging the formula:
m = E/c2
The above formula
suggests that under certain conditions, we can convert energy into matter in
empty space. This means that one can literally make up some-thing out of ¡§air.¡¨
In fact, in a micro world, we see things are created from nothing all the time.
This reminds us of what is said in the Infinite
Life Sutra: All the things that are needed by them (people in the
A physical justification of this
behavior in the
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3. The Origin of the Universe
In the quantum world,
we see things ¡§appearing¡¨ out of nothing. Here, a quantum is the smallest
possible unit of energy. The universe may have done the same thing-- appeared
out of ¡§nothing.¡¨ Dr. Odenwald said that when
physicists say ¡§nothing,¡¨ they are being playful with the English language,
because we often think of a vacuum as being ¡§empty¡¨ or ¡§nothing.¡¨ In fact,
physicists know full well that the vacuum is far from nothing. Before the
formation of the universe, there was no time or space, not even vacuum. The primor-dial state of the pre-universe period was far from
being the kind of ¡§nothingness¡¨ we might have in mind.
As Dr. Odenwald
acknowledges, ¡§We don¡¦t have a full mathematical theory for describing this
state yet, but it was probably ¡¥multi-dimensional¡¦¡KNothingness [that gives rise
to the present universe] was not nothing, but it was not anything like the
kinds of ¡¥something¡¦ we know about today. We have no words to describe it and
the ones we find in the Oxford English Dictionary are based on the wrong
physical insight.¡¨
Buddha Shakyamuni taught that the original state of the universe, referred
to as the ¡§true self nature,¡¨ neither comes from somewhere nor goes anywhere,
is neither continuous nor separate, is neither dirty nor clean, neither
increases nor decreases.
pre-universe state (or so called ¡§nothingness¡¨) seems obscure and incomprehensible
to most of us. Let us put it aside for now and look at what happened at the
moment of the formation of the universe. The widely accepted theory in physics
about the formation of the universe is the so-called ¡§Big Bang¡¨ theory.
However, the theory is still being questioned both in its detail and its
essential correctness. We can obtain some insights from this theory without
necessarily accepting this theory in its entirety.
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According to the Big Bang
theory, our universe was created somewhere between 10-15 billion years ago from
a cosmic explosion that threw matter in all directions. Before the explosion,
there was no ¡§space¡¨ or ¡§time.¡¨ Such a state is far removed from anything we
know. Even the laws that govern the universe become totally obscure to
The Buddha used the terms
¡§unthinkable¡¨ and ¡§inexpressible¡¨ to describe this state. In fact, this state
is beyond our comprehension. Dr. Odenwald admits
¡§What this means to us may never be fully understood.¡¨ But the Buddha did not
imply that we should not attempt to ¡§understand¡¨ or ¡§observe¡¨ this state. The
method we should use is ¡§not to think,¡¨ that is, meditation or deep
concentration without any wandering thought. In deep concentration, there are
no obstacles. At this moment, the true nature of ourselves
and the universe come forth. This level is called ¡§the pure state of
So how big was our
universe when it was born? According to scientists¡¦ calculation, the size of
the universe at that moment was equal to 10-33 centimeters. That is, 0.000.0001
(33 zeros) centimeters! Such a number is so small that it is merely a
mathematical concept and can never be grasped by our common thought.
Consider this
analogy. Suppose the thinnest body hair has a diameter of 0.01 millimeters. If
this pre-universe particle can somehow be stored in a thin hair, how many
particles can you store across the hair¡¦s diameter? You can store one million
trillion trillions of particles across the diameter of your single hair! It is
amazing that our infinite universe once contained the same information as that
tiny particle did. This information includes everything in the universe in the
past, present, and future, including you and me! It is more amazing that a hair
can potentially accommodate that many universes! No wonder Buddha Shakyamuni told us: ¡§There is no difference between the
infinite and the infinitesimal. Incalculable number of universes can emerge
from a single pore!¡¨
Another amazing phenomenon
relates to the speed of the expansion from this tiny particle to a huge
universe. Space scientists told us that the particle expanded at an increditably high speed: 1059 times bigger in every second.
That means, within less than one thousandth of a second, the particle had grown
to a size bigger than our present solar system! The formation of our universe
takes only an instant! This scientific finding verifies what the Buddha had
stated in the Sutra: the formation and extinction of universes takes only an
In short, according
to modern cosmology, the genesis of our entire universe is as follows. In the
beginning there was ¡§nothing.¡¨ Then, suddenly a tiny particle appeared. This
tiny particle took an unimaginably short instant to form our entire universe.
Currently, scientists do not have a meaningful explanation of this tiny
particle and only have a subtle mathematical description. Buddha Shakyamuni told us that this tiny particle is actually
one¡¦s smallest wandering thought rising from the pure mind. In an instant, this
wandering thought forms the entire universe.
Finally, when asked about other
universes, Dr. Odenwald answered that according to
General Relativity, our universe represents everything, including all space,
time, and galaxies. Other universes are of totally different space and time
completely outside our own. Those universes do not now, or ever will in the
future, have any ¡§physical¡¨ contact with our universe. From our perspective,
these other universes are literally on the other side of eternity and infinity
from our perspective. Buddha Shakyamuni also said
that incalculable universes exist in numerous different dimensions but we human
beings are unable to see them because our wandering thoughts, differentiation,
and attachments block our vision. When we let go of our
wandering thoughts, differentiation, and
attachments, we will be able to clearly observe all the universes.
Let us summarize the
points we have discussed here.
First, distance and
time are illusions of human beings. Under some conditions, space and time can
vanish. You can appear in many places at the same time and you can observe the
past, present, and future at the same instant.
Second, things can be
created from nothing. Objects can appear from vacuum. Pure energy can be
converted to mass and vice versa.
Third, the origin of
the universe is an extremely tiny particle. It takes an extremely short instant
for this tiny particle to expand into the huge universe.
the significant progress in modern cosmology research, the universe still
remains extremely profound to human beings. The more phenomena that scientists
discover the more they realize how little they know about the universe. Three
thousand years ago, Buddha Shakyamuni not only
explained the true phenomenon of this entire universe but also showed us ways
to attain the ultimate wisdom that will enable us to see it all very clearly.
It is unfortunate that our scientists have not studied Buddhism. Otherwise,
modern science would have even more advanced achievements. We strongly believe
that as science advances, more facts taught by Buddha Shakyamuni
will be proven.
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We conclude our paper with a
quote made by Albert Einstein, the ¡§Father of Modern Science.¡¨
religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a
personal god and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the
spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience
of all things, natural and spiritual and a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers
this description. If there is any religion that would cope with modern
scientific needs, it would be Buddhism.¡¨
-- Albert Einstein
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1. Acezel, Amir,
1999, God¡¦s Equation: Einstein,
Relativity, and the Expanding Universe, Dell Publishing.
2. Buddha Shakyamuni, The Buddha¡¦s Teaching On The Sutra of
Awakening To The Equanimity Pure Adornment of The Immeasurable Lifespan of the
Great Vehicle.
3. Buddha Shakyamuni, Flower Adornment Sutra.
4. Clark, Ronald W., 1971, Einstein: The Life and Times by, published, Avon Books.
5. National Aeronautics and Space Administration online
Profiles of Authors
Dr. Maosen Zhong
Dr. Maosen Zhong
is currently a Senior Lecturer of Finance at The University of Queensland
Business School. Dr. Zhong obtained his doctoral
degree in Finance from Louisiana Tech University (U.S.A.) in 1999. Prior to
joining UQ, he was the Assistant Professor of Finance at
University of Queensland¡^°Ó¾Ç°|°ª¯ÅÁ¿®v¡C¥L·~¾l®É¶¡³ßÅw׾Ǧòªk¡A¦b ²bªÅ¦Ñªk®vªù¤U¾Ç²ß¦h¦~¡C¦¹¤å¤D¨ä©ó2003¦~7¤ë4¤é¡A¥Nªí¿D¬w²b©v¾Ç°|©ó©ø¤hÄõ¬Ù®æùصᴵ¤j¾Ç¥X®u¡u¿D¬w¥þ°ê©v±Ð¬ã¨s·|ij¡v©Òµoªí¡C
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