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       2. 可利用 Google 學術搜尋 http://scholar.google.com.tw/ 再確認每一篇論文!


[1]          Gao Wenzhi and Hao Zhiyong,Active control and simulation test study on torsional vibration of large turbo-generator rotor shaft”, Mechanism and Machine Theory 45 , pp.1326–1336, 2010.

改成=> Wenzhi Gao and Zhiyong Hao, “Active control and simulation test study on torsional vibration of large turbo-generator rotor shaft,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 45, no. 9, pp.1326–1336, September 2010.   

shaft”, => shaft,逗點要在 右邊雙引號裡面 喔! 其餘 這樣改喔

[若是統一 先寫 名,再寫 姓。 由於 大陸學者,故 Gao Wenzhi  =>  Wenzhi Gao

下一篇 亦然。 這部分 有點麻煩,問問 X主任 意見,是否 統一? 還是 當初 論文刊登 寫法即可! ]


[2]          Gu. Wei-dong Gu, “Characteristic design of shaft system vibration of large size steam turbine-generator unit”, Electrical Equipment 8, pp.10–12, 10, 2007.

改成=> Wei-dong Gu, “Characteristic design of shaft system vibration of large size steam turbine-generator unit,” Electrical Equipment, pp. 10–12, Oct. 2007. 

http://en.cnki.com.cn/Journal_en/C-C042-DLSB-2007-10.htm  Electrical Equipment 8???,後面 這個 8,請確認。


[3]          Fu. Zhong-guang and Yan Kai, “Investigation on torsional vibration affected by the disturbances of the power system”, Electrical Equipment 8, pp.5–9, 10, 2007.

改成=> Fu. Zhong-guang and Yan Kai, “Investigation on torsional vibration affected by the disturbances of the power system,” Electrical Equipment, pp. 5–9, Oct. 2007.

Electrical Equipment 8???,後面 這個 8???,請確認。


[4]          Suzuki T, “Recent upgrading and life extension technologies for existing steam turbines”, ASME power, Chicago; pp. 577–82, April 5–7, 2005.

改成=>  Toshio Suzuki et al., “Recent Upgrading and Life Extension Technologies for Existing Steam Turbines,” JSME International Journal Series B, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 198-204, 2006.

找到 http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jsmeb/49/2/49_198/_article   下方有教你 如何引用此篇論文 喔! 然後 再改成 我們 統一 格式 即可! JSME 你寫成 ASME 喔! 所以 建議 每篇 論文 再確認一下 也!】


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改成=>  A.S. Alsuwaiyan and S.W. Shaw, “Steady-State Responses in Systems of Nearly-Identical Torsional Vibration Absorbers,” Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,.vol. 125, pp. 80–87, Jan 2003.

記住: 英文逗點後是否空一格?這也是 要統一喔! 例如: A.S.  . 又如: pp.80–87  => pp. 80–87


[7]          C. P. Chao and S.W. Shaw, “The dynamic response of multiple pairs of subharmonic torsional vibration absorbers”, Journal of Sound and Vibration 231, pp.411–431, 2000.

改成=> C.P. Chao and S.W. Shaw, “The dynamic response of multiple pairs of subharmonic torsional vibration absorbers,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 231, pp. 411–431, 2000.


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改成=>  C. Chyn, R.C. Wu and T.P. Tsao, “Torsional fatigue of turbine-generator shafts owing to network faults,” in IEE Proceedings Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol.143, no. 5, pp. 479-486, Sep. 1996.


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改成=>  T.J. Hammons and J.J. Bremner, “Stressing of turbine-generator-exciter shafts by variable-frequency currents superimposed on DC currents in asynchronous HVDC links and following disturbances at converter stations,” IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 503-513, Sep 1994.

[仔細比較 喔!][ http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=326469  ]


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改成=>  M. A. Masrur, A. K. Ayoub, and J. T. Tielking, “Studies on asynchronous operation of synchronous machines and related shaft torsional stresses,” IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 138, no. 1, pp. 47-56, Jan 1991.

[http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=61653 ] [仔細比較 喔! S你會發現 作者 論文名稱  期刊 頁碼 都錯 喔!每篇 論文 都要 再確認一下 也!]


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改成=>  T. J. Hammons, “Effect of fault clearing and damper modeling on excitation and decay of vibrations in generator shafts  following severe disturbances on the system supply,” IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol.EC-2, no.2, pp. 308-320, June 1987.


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改成=> D.G. Ramey, Important parameters in considering transient torques on turbine-generator shaft systems, IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-99 , no. 1, pp. 311–317, Jan 1980.


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改成=>  C.H. Yang and S.C. Huang, “The coupled vibration in a shaft-disk-blades System,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 89-99, 2005.


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改成=> Han-Ki Kim and Gilsoo Jang, “Effect of an excitation system on turbine-generator torsional stress in an HVDC power system,” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 77, no. 8, pp. 926-935, June 2007.


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改成=>  S.O. Faried, R. Billinton, Aboreshaid and M. Fotuhi-Fifilzbad, “Stochastic evaluation of turbine-generator shaft torsional torques during faulty synchronisation,” IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 143, no. 5 pp. 487-491, Sep. 1996.


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[106]   http://www.geislinger.co.at/Products.2.0.html



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 1:47 AM

Subject: Re: 參考文獻


Dear XX


今天 你拿了一本 口試委員 畫過的 參考文獻 給我。


今晚 我就  畫過 那幾篇 為例,詳細 幫你 修改,請參考附檔。 其它 就請你 依此要領,再繼續 修改 喔!


我發現 幾乎 每一篇 都要  check 一下,如果 都依照 統一的 格式,看起來 就會 更專業 喔!  (附上 pdf 檔,就依此 格式 吧! 總之,最好統一 也!)



你不要 小看 修改那幾篇,那 就要 花好多時間 哩。 靜下心,慢慢 修改 喔,若有時間,其實 蠻有 成就感的 哩。


你真的要仔細 一下,我寫的一些 小要點 喔。 



若我改的部分沒問題,你就 將你原先 黑色部分 除去,再將 我的 藍色部分,改成黑色 喔。





Best Wishes,

