謙德之效  The Fourth Lesson: The Benefit of the Virtue of Humility

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[Narrator]: The third lesson taught us the ways to accumulate kind deeds. Naturally, it would be best if people would practice kindness, but as humans, we are social beings. It is impossible to not come in contact with others in society; therefore, it is important to know the ways to improve our persons in dealing with others. The best way to do this is to follow the virtue of humility. A humble person in society receives support and trust from the general public. If a person understands the virtue of humility, he is the person who also understands the importance of constant self improvement. This constant self improvement not only includes the search for higher knowledge, but also encompasses the need to be more humane, better performance in daily duties, and improved communication with friends. Many benefits and rewards result from behaving with an understanding of humility. This lesson focuses on the benefits of virtue and humility, proven by Liao-Fan's own experiences. You will be greatly benefited if you can thoroughly contemplate and understand these teachings.


【了凡】:易曰。  【易經謙卦上說:】

[Liao-Fan]: In the I Ching/Book of Change, the hexagram of Humility stated,


天道虧盈而益謙。地道變盈而流謙。鬼神害盈而福謙。人道惡盈而好謙。(「虧」:虧損。「變」:變動。「流」:滋潤不枯)  【天的道理,不論什麼,凡是驕傲自滿的,就要使他虧損,而謙虛的就讓他得到益處。地的道理,不論什麼,凡是驕傲自滿的,也要使他改變,不能讓他永遠滿足;而謙虛的要使他滋潤不枯,就像低的地方,流水經過,必定會充滿了他的缺陷。鬼神的道理,凡是驕傲自滿的,就要使他受害,謙虛的便使他受福。人的道理,都是厭惡驕傲自滿的人,而喜歡謙虛的人。】

[Narrator]: The law of heaven takes from those who are arrogant and benefits those who are humble. The law of earth will not allow those who are conceited or self-content to always remain that way, but will bring change upon them. The humble will not wither, but shall be replenished, just as flowing water fills up lower places on the ground as it passes by, making up the differences. The law of spirits and gods bring harm to those who are arrogant and fortune to those who are humble. Even the laws of men despise the arrogant and like the humble.


【了凡】:是故謙之一卦。六爻皆吉。書曰。  【這樣看來,天、地、鬼、神、人、都看重謙虛的一邊。易經上六十四卦,所講的都是天地陰陽變化的道理,教人做人的方法。每一卦爻中,有凶有吉,凶卦是警戒人去惡從善,吉卦是勉勵人要日新又新,唯有這個謙卦,每一爻都吉祥。書經上也講:】

[Liao-Fan]: Therefore, heaven, earth, spirits, gods, and people all prefer humility over arrogance. In the I Ching/Book of Change, the sixty four hexagrams talk about the constant changes and interactions of heaven and earth, ying and yang. The book teaches a person how to become more humane. Every hexagram contains both good and bad outcomes. The bad outcomes of a hexagram warn people to stop doing evil and to practice kind deeds. The good outcomes of a hexagram encourages people to diligently improve themselves and strive to be better. Only the Humility hexagram contains all good outcomes and no bad outcomes. The Chinese Book of History has also said,



滿招損。謙受益。  【自滿,就會遭到損害,自謙,就會受到益處。】

[Narrator]: A person's arrogance will bring him harm; and his humbleness will bring him benefit.


【了凡】:予屢同諸公應試。每見寒士將達。必有一段謙光可掬。  【我好幾次和許多人去參加考試,每次都看到貧寒的讀書人,快要發達考中的時候,臉上一定有一片謙和,而且安詳的光采發出來,彷彿可以用手捧住的樣子。】

[Liao-Fan]: I often went to take the exams accompanied by others, and every time I would meet scholars who were very poor. I noticed that before they succeeded in passing the exams and became prosperous, their faces showed such humility, peace, and harmony that I felt I could almost hold that quality in my hands.



【了凡】:辛未計偕。我嘉善同袍凡十人。惟丁敬宇賓。年最少。極其謙虛。予告費錦坡曰。此兄今年必第。費曰。(「計偕」:計、計算,偕、一同,計偕一辭,來自一典故,後來被用在舉人進京城去考會試。「同袍」:合穿一件袍,指在一起的人。「丁敬宇賓」:姓丁名賓號敬宇)  【辛未年,我到京城去會試,我的同鄉嘉善人一起去參加會試的,大約有十個人,只有丁敬宇,這個人最年輕,而且非常謙虛,我告訴同去會試的費錦坡講:這位老兄,今年一定考中。費錦坡問我說:】

[Liao-Fan]: Several years ago, I took my imperial exam in Beijing. Among the ten applicants from my village, Ching-Yu Ding was the youngest and extremely humble. I told one of the applicants, Jin-Po Fay; that this young man would definitely pass the exam this year. Jin-Po Fay asked,


【錦坡】:何以見之。  【怎樣能看出來呢?】

[Jin-Po]: How can you tell?


【了凡】:予曰。惟謙受福。兄看十人中。有恂恂款款。不敢先人。如敬宇者乎。有恭敬順承。小心謙畏。如敬宇者乎。有受侮不答。聞謗不辯。如敬宇者乎。人能如此。即天地鬼神。猶將佑之。豈有不發者。及開榜。丁果中式。(「恂」:信用誠實。「款款」:樸實厚道)  【我說:只有謙虛的人,可以承受福報。老兄你看我們十人當中,有誠實厚道,一切事情,不敢搶在人前,像敬宇的嗎?有恭恭敬敬,一切多肯順受,小心謙遜,像敬宇的嗎?有受人侮辱而不回答,聽到人家毀謗他而不去爭辯,像敬宇的嗎?一個人能夠做到這樣,就是天地鬼神,也都要保佑他,豈有不發達的道理?等到放榜,丁敬宇果然考中了。】

[Liao-Fan]: I said, 'Only those who are humble are qualified to receive fortune. My friend, look at the ten of us; is there anyone as honest, generous, and never tries to come in first, as Ching-Yu? Do you see anyone who is always respectful, tolerant, careful and humble like Ching-Yu? Do you see anyone like Ching-Yu, who, when he is insulted, does not talk back, or who, when he is slandered, does not argue? Any person who can achieve such a level of humility will receive protection from the heaven, earth, and spirits. There is no reason he will not become prosperous.' Sure enough, when the test results came out, Ching-Yu Ding passed.


【了凡】:丁丑在京。與馮開之同處。見其虛己斂容。大變其幼年之習。李霽巖直諒益友。時面攻其非。但見其平懷順受。未嘗有一言相報。予告之曰。福有福始。禍有禍先。此心果謙。天必相之。兄今年決第矣。已而果然。(「斂容」:和順謙虛。「相」:幫助)  【丁丑年在京城裡,和馮開之住在一起,看見他總是虛心自謙,面容和順,一點也不驕傲,大大的改變了他小時候的那種習氣。他有一位正直又誠實的朋友季霽巖,時常當面指責他的錯處,但卻只看到他,平心靜氣地接受朋友的責備,從來不反駁一句話。我告訴他說:一個人有福,一定有福的根苗;有禍,也一定有禍的預兆。只要這個心能夠謙虛,上天一定會幫助他,你老兄今年必定能夠登第了!後來馮開之果然真的考中了。】

[Liao-Fan]: One year in Beijing, I was staying with my childhood friend, Kai-Zhi Fung. I noticed that he always carried himself in a humble way, and had a kind and accommodating appearance. He was not a bit arrogant, which was an immense change from his childhood ways. Kai-Zhi had a friend named Ji-Yen Li who was straightforward and honest. Ji-Yen often scolded him on his mistakes, but Kai-Zhi always accepted the accusations calmly without talking back. I told him, 'Just as there are signs which warn of coming misfortune, we can see that prosperity comes to those who have cultivated the cause for it. Heaven will help those whose hearts are humble. You, my friend, will definitely pass the imperial examination this year!". Later on, he indeed passed the exam.


【了凡】:趙裕峰。光遠。山東冠縣人。童年舉於鄉。久不第。其父為嘉善三尹。隨之任。慕錢明吾。而執文見之。明吾悉抹其文。趙不惟不怒。且心服而速改焉。明年遂登第。(「舉於鄉」:鄉試考中了舉人。「三尹」:一縣最大的是縣官,就是知縣,可以稱做大尹;第二等的縣丞,可以稱做二尹;第三等的主簿,就稱做三尹)  【趙裕峰,名光遠,是山東省冠縣人;不滿二十歲的時候,就中了舉人,後來又考會試,卻多次不中。他的父親做嘉善縣的主任秘書,裕峰隨同他父親上任。裕峰非常羨慕嘉善縣名士錢明吾的學問,就拿自己的文章去見他,那曉得這位錢先生,竟然拿起筆來,把他的文章都塗掉了。裕峰不但不發火,並且心服口服,趕緊把自己文章的缺失改了。如此虛心用功的年輕人,實在是少有,到了明年,裕峰就考中了。】

 [Liao-Fan]: There was a young man from San-tong Province named Yu-Fong Zhou who passed the first level of imperial examinations before he was even twenty. Unfortunately, try as he might, he could not pass the succeeding exams. When his father was moved to another post in the government, Yu-Fong went with him, and came to greatly admire a well-known scholar in that village named Min-Wu Chian. Yu-Fong brought his own essays to see this man. He had no idea that Mr. Chian would pick up his calligraphy brush and blot out his entire essay. Not only was Yu-Fong not angry, he sincerely accepted all of Mr. Chian's corrections and immediately changed his paper accordingly. A young man who could be that humble and showed such willingness to improve himself was very rare indeed. The following year, Yu-Fong passed the imperial examination.


 【了凡】:壬辰歲。予入覲。晤夏建所。見其人氣虛意下。謙光逼人。歸而告友人曰。凡天將發斯人也。未發其福。先發其慧。此慧一發。則浮者自實。肆者自斂。建所溫良若此。天啟之矣。及開榜。果中式。(「入覲」:覲、見,入覲是指進京見皇帝。「晤」:碰到)  【壬辰年我入京城去覲見皇帝,見到一位叫夏建所的讀書人,看到他的氣質,虛懷若谷,毫無一點驕傲的神氣,而且他那謙虛的光采,就像會逼近人的樣子。我回來告訴朋友說:凡是上天要使這個人發達,在沒有發他的福時,一定先發他的智慧,這種智慧一發,那就使浮滑的人自然會變得誠實,放肆的人也就自動收斂了,建所他溫和善良到這種地步,是已發了智慧了,上天一定要發他的福了。等到放榜的時候,建所果然考中了。】

[Liao-Fan]: One year, I went to the Capital to pay my respects to the Emperor. I met a scholar named Jian-Suo Hsia who had all the qualities of a great man without a trace of arrogance. I felt the intense aura of his virtue and humility all about him. When I returned home, I told my friend, "When heaven wants a person to prosper, it will first bestow him with wisdom. Wisdom can make a person honest and well-disciplined. Heaven has already bestowed Jian-Suo with wisdom, or he couldn't be that gentle, kind and good. Surely, heaven will now make him prosperous." Sure enough, when the test results came out, Jian-Suo passed the exam.


【了凡】: 江陰張畏巖。積學工文。有聲藝林。甲午。南京鄉試。寓一寺中。揭曉無名。大罵試官。以為瞇目。時有一道者。在傍微笑。張遽移怒道者。道者曰。(「江陰」:江蘇省縣名。「積學」:學問積得很深。「藝林」:藝、文藝;藝林是指許多讀書人聚集在一起。「遽」:急)  【江陰有一位讀書人。名叫張畏巖,他的學問積得很深,文章做得很好,在許多讀書人當中,很有名聲。甲午年南京鄉試,他借住在一處去寺院裡,等到放榜,榜上沒有他的名字,他不服氣,大罵考官,眼睛不清楚,看不出他的文章好。那時候有一個道士在旁微笑,張畏巖馬上就把怒火發在道士的身上。道士說:】

[Liao-Fan]: There was a scholar named Wei-Yan Chang from Jiang-ying who was very learned and wrote good essays. He was also very well-known among many scholars. One year he took his exam at Nanking and stayed at a Taoist temple. When the test results were posted, he found that he had not passed the exam. He became furious and loudly accused the examiner of being blind for not recognizing his obvious talents. At that time, a Taoist monk stood by smiling, and Wei-Yan immediately directed his anger towards the monk. The monk said to him,


【僧人】:相公文必不佳。(「相公」:考試人的普通稱呼)  【你的文章一定不好。】

[Monk]: Your essay must not be good!


【了凡】:張益怒曰。(「益」:更加)  【張畏巖更加的發怒說:】

[Liao-Fan]: Wei-Yan got even angrier and said,


畏巖】:汝不見我文。烏知不佳。(「烏」:怎麼)  【你沒有看到我的文章,怎麼知道我寫得不好呢?】

[Wei-Yan]: How do you know it's not good when you haven't even read it?


【僧人】:道者曰。  【道士說:】

[Liao-Fan]: The monk said,


【僧人】:聞作文。貴心氣和平。今聽公罵詈。不平甚矣。文安得工。  【我常聽人說,做文章最要緊的,是心平氣和,現在聽到你大罵考官,表示你的心非常不平,氣也太暴了,你的文章怎麼會好呢?】

[Monk]: I often hear people say that the most important element in writing good essays is a peaceful heart and harmonious temperament. Your loud and angry accusations just of now clearly shows that your mind is certainly not at peace and your temperament is violent. How could you possibly write good essays?


【了凡】:張不覺屈服。因就而請教焉。道者曰。  【張畏巖聽了道士的話,倒不覺的屈服了,因此,就轉過來向道士請教。道士說:】

[Liao-Fan]: Wei-Yan obliviously submitted to the Taoist's words and in turn asked him for his advice. The Taoist said,


 【僧人】:中全要命。命不該中。文雖工。無益也。須自己做個轉變。  【要考中功名,全要靠命,命裡不該中,文章雖好,也沒益處,仍不會考中,一定要你自己改變改變。】

[Monk]: Whether you pass or not depends on your fate. If you are destined not to pass, then no matter how good your paper is, you will still fail the exam. You yourself will have to make a few changes!


【了凡】:張曰。  【張畏巖問道:】

[Liao-Fan]: Wei-Yan asked,


畏巖】:既是命。如何轉變。  【既然是命,怎樣去改變呢?】

[Wei-Yan]: How can I change it if it is predestined?


【了凡】:道者曰。  【道士說:】

[Liao-Fan]: The monk replied,


【僧人】:造命者天。立命者我。力行善事。廣積陰德。何福不可求哉。  【造命的權,雖然在天,立命的權,還是在我;只要你肯盡力去做善事,多積陰德,什麼福不可求得呢?】

[Monk]: Though the power to form your destiny lies in the Heavens, the right to recreate it is in yourself. As long as you are willing to do kind deeds and cultivate hidden virtues, there is nothing you ask that you will not receive.


【了凡】:張曰。  【張畏巖說:】

[Liao-Fan]: Wei-Yan said,


畏巖】:我貧士。何能為。(「士」:讀書人)  【我是一個窮讀書人,能做什麼善事呢?】

[Wei-Yan]: I am only a poor scholar. What good deeds can I possibly do?


【了凡】:道者曰。  【道士說:】

[Liao-Fan]: The monk said,


【僧人】:善事陰功。皆由心造。常存此心。功德無量。且如謙虛一節。並不費錢。你如何不自反。而罵試官乎。  【行善事,積陰功,都是從這個心做出來的。只要常常存做善事,積陰功的心,功德就無量無邊了。就像謙虛這件事,又不要花錢,你為什麼不自我反省,自己工夫太淺,不能謙虛,反而罵考官不公平呢?】

[Monk]: Practicing kind deeds and accumulating hidden virtues all stem from the heart. As long as you constantly harbor the intent to practice kindness and accumulate virtues, your merits are infinite and boundless! Take the virtue of humility for example, it does not cost anything; why can't you be humble and reflect on your own essay instead of blaming the examiner for being unfair?



【了凡】:張由此折節自持。善日加修。德日加厚。丁酉。夢至一高房。得試錄一冊。中多缺行。問旁人。(「節」:志向,此處指高傲的志向。「試錄」:考試錄取名冊)  【張畏巖聽了道士的話,從此以後就壓低一向驕傲的志向,自己很留意把持住自己,勿走錯了路,天天加功夫去修善,天天加功夫去積德。到了丁酉年,有一天,他做夢到一處很高的房屋裡去,看到一本考試錄取的名冊,中間有許多的缺行。他看不懂,就問旁邊的人說:】

[Liao-Fan]: Wei-Yan Chang listened to the Taoist monk, and from then on, suppressed his arrogant ways. He became very mindful of his own actions and tried not to make mistakes. Everyday he put forth additional effort to do more good deeds and accumulate more merits. Three years later, he dreamed one night that he entered a very tall house, and saw a booklet that contained all the names of the applicants who passed the exam that year. He saw many blank lines. Unable to understand what it meant, he asked the person next to him,


[Wei-Yan]: What is this?


【了凡】:曰。  【那個人說:】

[Liao-Fan]: The person replied,


【旁人】:此今科試錄。(「今科」:今年的一科,因為考一次,故稱考一科,所以今年的考試,就可以叫今科)  【這是今年考試錄取的名冊。】

[Person]: This is the booklet that contains all the names of the applicants who passed the exam this year.


【了凡】:問。  【而張畏巖問:】

[Liao-Fan]: Wei-Yan asked,



【畏巖】:何多缺名。  【為什麼名冊內有這麼多的缺行?】

[Wei-Yan]: Why does it have so many blank lines?


【了凡】:曰。  【那個人又回答說:】

[Liao-Fan]: The person answered,


【旁人】:科第陰間三年一考較。須積德無咎者。方有名。如前所缺。皆係舊該中式。因新有薄行而去之者也。(「薄行」:做了輕薄、有罪過的事)  【陰間對那些考試的人,每三年考查一次,一定要積德,沒有過失,這冊裡才會有名字。像名冊前面的缺額,都是從前本該考中,但是因為他們最近犯了有罪過的事情,才把名字去掉的。】

[Person]: The spirits of the underworld check on the applicants every three years. Only the names of those who practice kind deeds and do not make mistakes are allowed to appear in this booklet. The blank lines used to bear the names of those who were supposed to pass the exam, but due to their recent offenses, their names have been erased.


【了凡】:後指一行云。  【後來那個人又指了一行說:】

[Liao-Fan]: Then, pointing to a line, the person said:


【旁人】:汝三年來。持身頗慎。或當補此。幸自愛。  【你三年來,很留心的把持住自己,沒犯罪過,或者是應該補上這個空缺了,希望你珍重自愛,勿犯過失!】

[Person]: Ah-ha, for the past three years you have been very careful and have exerted such self-control that you haven't made any mistakes. Perhaps you should fill this blank. I hope you will cherish this opportunity and take care not to make any mistakes!


【了凡】:是科果中一百五名。  【果然張畏巖就在這次的會考,考中了第一百零五名。】

[Liao-Fan]: Sure enough, Wei-Yan passed the exam that year and placed 105th.


【了凡】:由此觀之。舉頭三尺。決有神明。趨吉避凶。斷然由我。須使我存心制行。毫不得罪於天地鬼神。而虛心屈己。使天地鬼神。時時憐我。方有受福之基。彼氣盈者必非遠器。縱發亦無受用。稍有識見之士。必不忍自狹其量。而自拒其福也。況謙則受教有地。而取善無窮。尤修業者所必不可少者也。(「制」:約束。「屈己」:自己肯遷就,不驕傲)  【從上面所講的看來,舉頭三尺高,一定有神明在監察著人的行為。因此,利人,吉祥的事情,都應該趕快的去做;凶險,損人的事,應該避免,不要去做,這是可以由我自己決定的,只要我存好心,約束一切不善的行為,絲毫不得罪天地鬼神,而且還要虛心,自己肯遷就不驕傲,使得天地鬼神,時時哀憐我,才可以有福的根基,那些滿懷傲氣的人,一定不是遠大的器量,就算能發達,也不會長久地享受福報。稍有見識的人,一定不肯把自己肚量,弄得很狹窄,而自己拒絕可以得到的福,況且謙虛的人,他還有地方可以受到教導,若人不謙虛,誰肯去教他?    並且謙虛的人,肯學別人的好處,別人有善的行動,就去學他,那麼得到的善行,就沒有窮盡了。尤其是進德修業的人,一定所不可缺少的啊!】

 [Liao-Fan]: From the examples given above, we know that spirits and gods are always watching our behaviors from above. Therefore, we must immediately do whatever is beneficial to others and avoid doing whatever is violent, dangerous, and harmful to others. These are all things I can decide for myself. As long as I harbor good intentions; refrain from evil-doings; don't offend the heaven, earth, spirits, and gods; humble myself; be tolerant and not arrogant; then the heaven, earth, spirits and gods will constantly have pity on me; only then will I have a foundation for my future prosperity. Those who are full of conceit are definitely not destined to be great men. Even if they do prosper, they will not be able to enjoy their fortune for long. Intelligent people would definitely not make themselves small and narrow-minded and refuse the fortune they are entitled to. Besides, those who are humble always increase their opportunities to learn. If a person is not humble, who would want to teach him? Also, humble people are always willing to learn the strengths of others. When others perform good deeds, the humble person will learn and follow their examples. In this way, the kind deeds humble people accomplish are boundless! For those who wish to cultivate and improve upon their virtues, they especially, cannot do without the virtue of humility.


 【了凡】:古語云。  【古人有幾句老話說:】

[Liao-Fan]: The ancients had an old saying,


有志於功名者。必得功名。有志於富貴者。必得富貴。  【有心要求功名的,一定可以得到功名;有心要求富貴的,一定可以得到富貴。】

[Narrator]: Those who have their hearts set on attaining success and fame, will surely attain success and fame. Those who have their hearts set on attaining wealth and position, will surely attain wealth and position.


【了凡】:人之有志。如樹之有根。立定此志。須念念謙虛。塵塵方便。自然感動天地。而造福由我。今之求登科第者。初未嘗有真志。不過一時意興耳。興到則求。興闌則止。孟子曰。(「塵塵」:極小。「闌」:退了)  【一個人有遠大的志向,就像樹有根一樣;樹有根,就會生出枒枝花葉來。    人要立定了這種偉大的志向,必須在每一個念頭上,都要謙虛,即使碰到像灰塵一樣極小的事情,也要使別人方便,能夠做到這樣,自然會感動天地了。    而造福全在我自己,自己真心要造,就能夠造成。像現在那些求取功名的人,當初那有什麼真心,不過是一時的興緻罷了;興緻來了,就去求,興緻退了,就停止,孟子對齊宣王說:】

[Liao-Fan]: A person who has great and far reaching goals is like a tree having roots. A tree with roots will eventually sprout into branches, flowers and, leaves. A person who has set down great and far reaching goals must humble himself in every thought and try to relieve another's burden even if the occurrence is as insignificant as a speck of dust. If you can reach this level of humility, you will naturally touch the hearts of heaven and earth. Furthermore, I am the creator of my own prosperity; if I truly want to create it, I will certainly succeed. Look at the applicants who sought for fame and wealth, in the beginning, they did not harbor a sincere heart; it was only a passing notion. When they fancied it, they sought it. When their interest dropped, they stopped. Mencius once told Emperor Shuan Chi,


【孟子】:王之好樂甚。齊其庶幾乎。(「庶幾」:差不多可以了)  【大王喜好音樂,若是到了極點,那麼齊國的國運大概可以興旺了。但是大王喜好音樂,只是個人在追求快樂罷了,若是能把個人追求快樂的心,推廣到與民同樂,使百姓都快樂,那麼齊國還有不興旺的麼?】

[Mencius]: Your Highness has a love for music. But your love for music is only a personal pleasure. If you can expand from the heart which seeks after personal happiness to that of sharing happiness with all your subjects, and make them just as happy as you are, then, surely the nation is bound to prosper!


【了凡】:予於科名亦然。  【我看求科名,也是這樣,要把求科名的心,落實推廣到積德行善上;並且要盡心盡力地去做,那麼命運與福報,就都能夠由我自己決定了!】

[Liao-Fan]: I think it is the same for those who are seeking to pass the imperial exams. If a person can expand upon the heart which seeks to pass the exams to that of diligently doing kind deeds and accumulating merits, putting forth his best efforts to improve his character, then both destiny and prosperity are his to create.


----------------------------  了凡四訓    -------------------------------





























Dear Listeners and Friends,

  We hope you have benefited from listening to Liao-Fan's Four Lessons and will acquire the same spirit in creating your own destiny. We encourage everyone to do their best in 'refraining from evil and practicing kindness'. The teachings in Liao-Fan's Four Lessons can lift the morale of the public and transform our society into one of peace and harmony. We welcome all interested parties to sponsor the distribution of this audio book as teaching material for schools and colleges. Let us all be a part in the rebuilding of our children's morals and virtues. We hereby announce that we do not reserve our copyrights, and welcome all to reproduce and distribute this audio book for the benefit of the general public.

  Here at The Education Foundation of Liao-Fan's Four Lessons, our goal is to promote the study and practice of these teachings worldwide. Therefore, we will have editions of this book in English, Japanese, German, French, and Spanish. Through understanding and practicing these teachings, world peace is possible. We welcome your comments, support, and sponsorship. Thank you very much!

Liao-Fan's Four Lessons Audio Book
Original work by Mr. Liao-Fan Yuan of the Ming Dynasty

Interpreted by Mr. Zhi-Hai Huang

Re-edited by Police Officer Wang

Sponsored and recorded by The Education Foundation of Liao-Fan's Four Lessons



附錄  雲谷禪師授袁了凡功過格參雲棲大師自知錄



































1.    原著:明 袁了凡進士 【本版經文係依據民國二十一年蘇州弘化社印行,經 印光大師鑒定之木刻版。】

2.    原著簡要選注:摘自「了凡四訓白話解釋」,民初 黃智海先生演述。

3.    了凡四訓白話篇 了凡弘法學會整理 【根據 明朝 袁了凡進士原著,以及民初 黃智海先生演述之教本】

4.    Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons  Audio Book, Sponsored and recorded by The Education Foundation of Liao-Fan's Four Lessons


強力推薦: 改造命運心想事成了凡四訓講記  淨空法師講述  華藏講記組恭敬整理 淨空法師於二00一年四月十六日於大陸深圳鳳凰衛視 宣講,為時五日】